Wednesday, May 31, 2006

being boring

today, alan came up and we went to starbucks and somewhere in our conversation, the topic of "getting boring" came up. we both vowed never to be boring. not even if we got married. haha and when you get married, that is an easy trap to fall into.
but then i was thinking about it, and maybe i'm already starting to get boring. life used to be this big adventure for me. and everything that happened was a big deal, so exciting. nowadays, i don't really care about as many things. and i've been strangely antisocial this term, sticking only to the familiar and safe. things don't seem important and meaningful as much anymore. and that scares me. it makes me want to paint a giant mural. or write a book. or disappear to somewhere fabulous.

Monday, May 29, 2006

i love:
the olds.
the subway.
the sunshine. the mall.
ga jeh.
taking p i c tur es.
spring rolls. my "boyfriend".
bubble tea.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

this is all i can say right now. (i know it's not much)

no matter how much you ignore Him, how much you go against Him, break His heart,
pretend He doesn't see things, doesn't care, doesn't know... it doesn't make any difference. just beucase i pretend God isn't there doesn't mean He's not sitting right beside me every second. just beucase i think He doesn't care doesn't make His love for me any smaller. and even though i've been ignoring Him for so long He hasn't and won't give up on me.

PRAISE GOD for that.

All I Can Say : David Crowder Band

Lord I'm tired
So tired from walking
And Lord I'm so alone
And Lord the dark
Is creeping in
Creeping up
To swallow me
I think I'll stop
Rest here a while

And didn't You see me cry'n?
And didn't You hear me call Your name?
Wasn't it You I gave my heart to?
I wish You'd remember
Where you set it down

And this is all that I can say right now (i know it's not much)
And this is all that I can give
And this is all that I can say right now (i know it's not much)
And this is all that I can give (yeah that's my everything)

I didn't notice You were standing here
I didn't know that
That was You holding me
I didn't notice You were cry'n too
I didn't know that
That was You washing my feet

and now, to live...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

ah la lala la life is wonderful

well at least it was these past two weeks. but now my dora has gone and it's back to the daily blahnesss ... although!! i DID end up getting that job at the uw call centre woohoo! and i trained today-- 9 to 5... making calls is actually really tiring.

recap of the past two weeks (starting last monday):
monday: fed, tuesday: fubar, wednesday: movie night, thursday:failed caesars, fubartake2, friday: my dora comes! ccf bbq, hostel movie night, saturday: BT lunch, fox&thefiddle, failed phil's, sunday: 'sauga, tiff sleepsover at kat's too-- midnight walk under the stars(spooky), monday: wings@morty's, molly's, tuesday: lunch with esther, visit highschool teachers, din with the cheung's, movienight-family stone+hoodwinked wednesday: mongolian + molly's take2, thursday: morty's, phil's (oops! heavy metal night O_o), caesar's, pizzaaar, friday: dor leaves :(

music of the week-- most definitely jason mraz and shakira... oh a bit of rihanna, mariah, and christina milian hahaha

- "in our hearts a hopeless song we never hoped to heaaarrrr..." "NO HOPE!!!" *splash*
- "you are my best responsible friend"
- *whispers* "shakirashakirashakira"
- "what big ears you have!" "all the better to hear your many criticisms"
- " .. i don't drink coffee!" *smile*
- "an avalanche is coming and i do not feel prepared!"

there must be more but i am way too tired.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

summer highs*

this has been SUCH a fun week!
i think i'm getting over my antisocialness a bit... at least when it comes to going out at night.
monday - fed103, tuesday - fubar, ... thursday is caesar's and friday rev.
saturday toronto? :\

and tonight i think kat jo jess and i are gonna have a girl's night in and eat pizza and icecream and stufff.. reLAXing :D

AND!!! i have an interview in 25 minutes!! *crosses fingers* i need this job.