- intake indulgent substances - come to the beautiful new main floor of DP where there is plenty of room because it is reading week! - finish my '25 Random Things' list - listen to calming music - facebook - watch grey's?
Watch Grey's!
Ah, there's the silver lining. :) EDIT (10:12): Grey's isn't loading. I want this:
Really, it's better to give yourself reasons to smile through it then remember why you shouldn't. (It prevents you from doing things that are stupid and out of character.)
Today: - i got to sleep in - my computer is broken but that made me come downstairs and find the tea my mom made me - nicole found my ipod at her place (which means i didn't drop it on the street! :) ) - i'm double shifting, but that means i don't have to find something to do between 1 and 5
I'm back in Waterloo, back at work after a more than fabulous weekend and it pretty much blows.
I'm just not sliding back in the groove too well today, that always happens though.
I completely 100% messed up the whole diet thing this wknd, so I guess its good that I'm back here where I can keep myself from eating!
And here's what Story of the Day told me today (how applicable.):
Money Matters I think of it as an opportunity to find out how much money means to me, she said. So far, it means a lot more than I think is probably healthy.
I should really be packing but I'm having soup and listening to Zero 7 instead.
Got some good new music from Sonya yesterday-- so good because she has decent taste and I've just been so bored of everything on my ipod. And there's really nothing like laying around in pj's, relaxing to new tunes. Not that I got to do that for very long or will get to do that much until next.. Thursday? Here's my favourite:
A lot of the ODAA office ladies say hi to me now because I'm there so often! And two of them came up to me in the kitchen the other day praising my healthy eating lol (I was taking a salad out of the fridge) and the one lady told me she eats 6 almonds every morning and that just gives you so much energy! :) The director of alumni affairs helped me figure out how to sort the recycling. And today I met the director of leadership giving which is cool because I've called some of her files before.
Life has just been very work-oriented lately. Working throughout the day and then hanging out with work people after. It's nice though, work friends are so chill and funny.
Also! Today is day 4 of healthy eating/hardcore diet! I'm going strong!!
Unfortunately, in exactly 1 hour I'm leaving for Toronto-- and I pretty much KNOW everything's gonna go down the crapper this weekend! Ahhh, well! I'll jump back on the bandwagon on Monday!
Day 2 of Healthy Eating. Although I guess eating nothing but baby carrots isn't exactly healthy-- but i managed to get through the entirety of yesterday with no bread/pasta/potatoes/etc. And last night I bought a bunch of "healthy food" and lugged it to work. haha
I'm having a vegetable Soup at Hand for lunch (right now. and its not good.) and a spinach salad for dinner. Hardcore!!
This BETTER freaking work. lol
Also-- I finished reading Five People You Meeting in Heaven! And I'm going to compose two overseas letters today between 1 and 5! So productive.