sweltering here lately.
So hot my hair sweats. So hot the heart-shaped bejewel on my cellphone melted off.
Normally, I'd opt to stay inside my nicely air-conditioned house, but today I had to trek to campus to pick up a check from human resources. I'm quite prone to heat stroke, and so after I picked up my check I traveled quickly across the parking lot to the Davis Centre. (Ah, memories!)
It's been a while since I've really been in this building during the day when people are here. Unfortunately the cafeteria closes early in the summer so I was cheated out of a poutine. Instead, I purchased an iced cappuccino from Tim Hortons and ventured into the actual library itself to prolong my period in the a/c.
Being here takes me back to a time of scrambling for study spaces, hovering over computer spots (before I had a laptop!), and "studying" in the basement area. Right. Studying. Also known as facebooking, online shopping, and in my case, reaching to find my inner videographer: