I forgot I had this place, almost!
If I had an unlimited supply of banh mi, I could keep watching Girls indefinitely.
I just go back to Maitland-- cross legged on the bottom bunk, eating banh mi and watching Girls in my underwear. The apartment was so small, I could reach my toaster oven without getting off the bed.
God, I miss Toronto sometimes.
With this new lady I live next to, who yells and bangs on the goddamn wall when I'm just speaking in a normal voice, the couple with their dogs who'd thump on the ceiling at Maitland seem harmless. At least with them I can understand not wanting to hear your ceiling bang all the time.
The couple who lives above me right now has two huge dogs that jump and bark through out the day/night. It's a bit annoying, but I live with it because I'm a semi-reasonable human being who understands what it's like to live in a bloody apartment building. The lady next to me is a real creep. A wild night for me involves Netflix and eating cereal alone while chatting on Google Hangouts. Really, now.
I finish my first year at Emily Carr this week, yay.
I wonder what 17 year old Jasmine was doing on April 16, 2004.