Saturday, March 30, 2002

oh boy oh boy haven't blogged in a long time! :(
TC was AWESOME! so awesome in fact that it would take a incredible ammount of time to type about so i'm not going to :P also, it's been a few weeks since so i'm pretty sure many ppl know already anyhoo :)

i was reading my friend's blog (which btw for some reason won't load on my comp anymore so i read it from my dad's, alsowhy you may find i went to it a LOT of times because i was trying to see if it would show up :P ) but yeah ... she was blogging about the time where Paul insulted a high priest and stuff but he supposedly didn't know it was a high priest so he was like [not in these words] "oh sorry i didn't know that guy was a high priest so i shouldn't have insulted him cuz the scriptures say not to insult people of higher authority than you" [something to that degree] oh boy. i didn't know the bible said not to insult people with a higher authority than you. :P i can just think of the bazillions of times i've insulted people of a "higher authority" i'm sure everyone reading this can too. :P *sigh* but how does that even make sense? like, if your government is doing screwed up stuff you can't say they suck? erh that doesn't make any sense at all. and also, when someone is mean to you, blames you for stuff you didn't do, and tells you you can't be friends with the people you're friends with, is it not just to be angry with them? i guess it isn't right to react in anger towards anyone... :P but in terms of only the people of higher authority... being put in a place of authority does NOT give you the right to be an asshole or the like.

also in response to my friend's blog, i think birth control within marriage is ok. because who really wants to have fifty bazillion kids no adays? one could argue that God will give you however many kids he desires you to have. but i realy doubt that God expects everyone to keep having sex without any control ever. if everyone did that we would all end up with fifty kids running around like people in like india or wherever and that would be crazy and we'd over populate the earth and AH! it's a catastrophe just because people think it's wrong to use birth control. i don't know what the problem is with birth control. it doesn't kill anyone since the baby has not fomed at all so it's not like abortion or anything. well... i guess it is just up to the married couple of whether to use it or not. it's their life, and if they want fifty kids then so be it :) me on the other hand, i'm going to start a condom collection.

Sunday, March 10, 2002

going to toronto in THREE HOURS!!!! *^_^* YAY! =) =)

Friday nite was Lifesong :) got to pick up some sushi right before so that was good :) and yeah. Lifesong was really good. i mean, it was funny and entertaining... but it also made me think about my life... and umm well the testimonies some were people talking about how they struggled and they already were Christians and stuff.. i guess that's how i've been feeling alot lately. It's like alexis said about the Dr. Jeckl and Mr. Hyde cuz it's like, i have two personalities... one is the sweet, bubblie, Jasmine who loves Jesus SO MUCH and loves everyone and bla bla bla... on the other hand there's the Jasmine who likes to swear, badmouth people, and does a great many un-Godly things. i think i really need to "get up" in my spiritual life... and decide once and for all. and perhaps... this is why i've had so much trouble deciding about baptism... :? i'm so glad for tc... just to be able to get away from the norm and just be with God and reflect on stuff ... but anyhoo, yah Lifesong was really cool and effective. and also, i got to chat with a lot of ppl :) and kevin gave me a sign to wear that says "Feel like talking? Ask me!" HA HA HA HA Clara says it suits my personality :P

Yesterday... praylude had a joint fellowship with the Mandarin Youth fellowship. we played bball for an hour and then jo, dora, tiffy, simon, and i decided to go jogging in the rain! LA LA LA fun :)_ and then we watched this weird video zzzz (no offense) and played bball for another hour... it was sosososososo fun :) only there was this snobby guy in the mandarin fellowship and dora got her finger jammed :( poor dora :( and also i am SO SORE! my whole entire body hurts :( i think i need to excersize more :P

crap! i have to pack :P ttfn! :)

Friday, March 08, 2002

YES! = ) = ) = ) MARCH BREAK! *^_^*
time to PARTEEEE!!!

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

what can i say? i hate school. that's about it.
oh and also tc is in 5 days! :)

Saturday, March 02, 2002

cold hard butter just out of the fridge is nasty. :P it's hard to spread too :P
exercise is fun ... especially when you do it with your closest friends! but it's not as fun as the SAUNA! mmmm yeah! :) go us joy luck girls!!! ^_^ but wouldn't it be scary to be locked inside a sauna omg omg omg. you'd like be shrivelled and evaporated O_O
note: i think i just gained back all the calories i burnt off today :P hmph.
well anyhoo, tc's coming up! AHHHHHHH! *^_^* Toronto here i come! :)
Also, i have a prayer request: My cousin's pregnant!!!! :) :) but she has two of those... umm asists are they called? :( :( in her tummy so please pray for her safety and the safety of her baby! thanks!

Friday, March 01, 2002

sushi is so good. i wish i could eat sushi everyday. :) i resolved that after school on monday before work i'm going to get myself some sushi since i actually know what it is that we ordered haha as opposed to last nite, my day was great :) at like 9:15 i went to the rec center with heidi and jo and sat in the gallery while they swam laps ... i got to breathein a lot of chlorinated water vapour and indulge myself in my sketching meditations :) yay! at um 10:30 heidi dropped me off at clara's and we like sat around chatting and making fun of toby haha ^_^ he's so funny.. and i got to see my lil pics which look SO much better all put together in that humongous frame then on their own! soon after anita got back we went to grab some sushi and anita went to meet jess and yeah... the sushi man SO creeps me out! he's funny though... he loves clara! when we were leaving he's like "bye clara my angel" HA HA HA HA HA yeah... that man is so funny! ^_^ on the way back we were talking about our weddings... *sigh* i can't wait til my wedding ... it's gonna be SO amazing. i have a long while to wait though :( :P anyhoo, we had lunch which was SO GOOD but way too filling and watched A Makeover Story and the ppl on it were so funny... it was kind of ironic cuz they were married and when they got married their wedding nite was a movie and dinner and me and clara were just like O_O cuz well ok what kind of wedding reception is that? not one :P strange that we were just talking about weddings though :? anyhoo, so they were getting a makeover for their belated wedding reception and the guy was so funny he was trying to act so badass and stuff :) haha that show is cool :) after that i learned how to make a cube hahaha uncoordinated little me :P kinda got worried cuz tim said he was coming to get me at 1:30 and at 2:00 he still wasn't there but it was ok cuz he didn't forget me :D and then we went to church and had a bible study about the characteristics of God and then i came home and slept for two hours... my parents came home and didn't realize iwas sleeping and called jo's place to ask them if they knew where i was and i was right there sleeping :P haha freakos :) well there's my day :) i'm out lates