"I want to hitchhike!!" I joked to Fanny.
After I hung up, I called a cab which didn't arrive for 15 minutes. Seeing as I'd told Fanny I'd be there in 20, I was starting to feel a little anxious. And impatience and overall laziness seem to melt away whatever shame I have-- I strolled down the Renison parking lot, right up to a girl who was just opening her car door.
"Um excuse me... sorry to be creepy, but would you be heading towards University plaza by any chance?"
Much to my surprise, her response was a bright "Yeah! Hop in I'll give you a ride!"
In the car we discovered a mutual friend and a mutual acquaintance and discussed the pros and cons of living at home.
Tonight I relayed the events to Kat proudly, but instead of getting the admiration I was after, I got this response:
Kat: you are sooo lazy!
annd when you said hitchiked i thought you meant standing BY the road and hitchiking as the cars were passing by.
that was a weak and cheap hitchike
So much for epic!
So much for epic!
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