Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Time to Fly

I pretty much just finished packing and I fly in four hours. Typical me.

Jasmine goes to Hong Kong for three (or more) months. 

It's kind of surreal, and I've been so busy I haven't let it sink in much, really. 
I'm excited, I think? A little nervous if I'm honest, but I feel like once I arrive everything will kind of just flow. I'm going to try and blog everyday while I'm there so I can maintain some sort of travel journal. I miss this blog having some substance, and I'll have "new" things to write about instead of posting sporadic music videos or emo-thoughts (haha, guilty!).

It's weird. Here's my "life" over the past year: 

And here is my "life" in the suitcase I'll be living out of for the next few months! 

See you on the other side. 


b.p. said...

hey, is that your cow? I thought he was lost!?

ahmenduh. said...

i hope you've arrived safely in hk!!
have fun! keep us updated :D