Saturday, April 09, 2011

Touchdown in Korea-town

Landed in Seoul and killing time before we take off with Dennis and co. Dennis is our perky tour guide who keeps calling me Joanna. Talk about throw-back.

It's 6am HK time but 7am here, and I'm running on one hour of bad sleep on a plane near a couple of annoying spider-lashed girls. But nevermind them, I'm in Corea! :) 

Spotted a Dunkin' Donuts and had to try it (finally)-- asian dunkin' donuts is adorable! 


jellobaby said...

it's a sign. i'm supposed to be in Korea with you right now. =p

hope you're having fun!

ahmenduh. said...

ooh korea! fun!!! eat lots there! their food is so yummy! hahaha and go to their sauna place (jjimjilbang) if you have a chance!!

kat said...

have lots and lots of funn!!