Friday, October 28, 2011

Weekend Culture

Work was actually okay today-- which, I think was in part because it's Friday and the momentum of weekend-anticipation gave me adrenaline. Isn't it funny, the culture of the weekend? For a while, I really wasn't understanding what the buzz was all about seeing as my weekends were the same as my weekdays. I miss having more time but it's also kind of nice to have motivation to do interesting things on the weekend since I can't during the week.

Also, we had free work breakfast at the Daily Grill this morning and I got a ride to work. I'm not sure whether it was eggs and homefries (fantastic homefries!) that made me happy or just the fact that I didn't have to trek through the frigid fall air at 7:30 in the morning because I got a ride there. Probably both. Also, sometimes funny things happen at work and that cuts through the drudgery a little.

I'm also fairly certain I'd make a pretty damn good personal assistant now judging by the intense calling and tact I had to employ to book certain appointments. ha...

At the moment, I'm sitting in Coffee Culture in Kitchener, which, is not a location I typically enjoy. But there is free wi-fi. I'm waiting for my 7:30 bus to Toronto! Now that I'm employed, I can afford to go places again. No longer shall I be trapped in Waterloo!

I miss Kitchener sometimes, the dirty bastard. I think I'm going to go get a Philly Cheesesteak for dinner. Mmm.

1 comment:

btsoi. said...

This is the third time I'm writing this comment and I'm losing patience. Your new blog is too techy and I apparently do not have the skill to navigate it. Please revert back to 2004 format.

Also, I'm so sad I won't be seeing you in Toronto. Your treks out are so rare and I'm missing it again :( Hope you have a good weekend though!