Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I've been wanting to write properly, but every time I think to do it, it's not a convenient moment. And every time I've got a chance to, I can't remember what I intended to write about.

I've just gotten out of the shower. My hair is drippy, and I'm towel-clad. Seems like as good a time as any.

I had so many things to Say when I was up at Willis' cottage this past weekend. But maybe it's something about seeing millions of stars so clearly, looking into the past, and spinning sparklers by the water. and beans, that makes my heart open up to the whole world.

 One of my favourite parts of the cottage was walking between the cottage and the beach at night. The trees up north are reallllllly tall. Probably from being so old and not having people mess with them. There's something so special about walking down this quiet dirt road, head tilted back at a right angle to see the smattering of stars framed by the trees on either side. Nicole cried and said 'we won the fucking lottery' because we beat out zillions of other sperm and attached to that specific egg and now we're here. Even if we don't wanna be, we are. We're here and we get to see this crazy shit, she said. It really makes you feel like nothing's too big of a deal, after all, except This Moment.

 On another one of these walks, Nicole, Anson, and I had a Serious Discussion about Snape.
 And on another one, Anson told Nik and I that sometimes we 'communicate on a level that doesn't involve words'. And he was sort of teasing us, just. But I took it as such compliment. I'm going to miss that so much when I'm not here anymore.

 I need to work on not operating so much on Extremes.

 Today is about: Productivity and Positivity.

 Here's what I need to do:

 1. Paint something.
 2. Carol Burnett illustration for M
 3. Clean my apartment (for fort night!)
 4. Invite everyone to fort night after deciding if it's tomorrow or Thursday! (Remember: Don't procrastinate on these, because you have to move a bunch of your stuff out this weekend.)
 5. Call potential apartments for viewings.
 6. Make more chicken salad.
 7. Dishes. (n)

And, this, for keeping <3:

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