Saturday, June 14, 2003

you know what i'm missing suddenly?
well it's not really out of the blue cuz i just talked to becca on icq for the first time in like a year..
i miss waterloo + kingston get togethers...!!!!
i miss becca, jon, crystal, pat, jenn, and them! (haha sorry kare and waiki but i see u :P )
ohhhh.... i remember back in the day when i used to have a seperate icq group for the kingston groupie and how we used to go to wonderland together every year and how me and jon always got into waterfights like every time we saw eachother... [that's me and a stream of water and jon's arm @ ccayc 2000]
and when waiki lent me those batteries, and becca loved ikea... rememebr when you lost your watch at ccayc99? and crystal and sebastian hehe platypus :) and pat and the tangy zip of miracle whip... and oh! that time we were at market village haha and i was shooting tapioca pearls at everyone and i accidentaly shot mango bubble tea at kare ... you smelled like mango the whole day :P ... and becca bought me this tare panda address book thingy =) i still have that. and JMC .. we played alot of soccer and went to mac's a lot... that was so fun! .. and chilling with pat and crystal at emmanual bible college when they came down here and we went to wimpy's and the burgers were the size of a personal pan pizza!.. and trampolining at waiki's and that big waterfight at becca and jon's hahaha that was so fun!... oh and your plays!... jenn being vashti, and crystal was esther and jon was king xerxes.. lol i forget who everyone else was :P
oh and your presents! :P the duct tape wrapped box remember that!? hahaha that was so much fun... we had an entire room full of duct tape, masking tape and newspaper :P ...
kare and me used to get into fights SOOO much of the time... O_o how retarded. it's funny cuz everyone always did their best to "help" ... these guys put up with a lot of crap from me. it was cool though.. we were always there for eachother even though we lived 4 hours apart... i always had a shoulder to cry on... and an ear to listen... i rememebr when i didnt' bring my bathing suit to jmc becca diddn't go and she chilled with me instead i forget what we did but that meant a lot.

we were like this one big family...
i think we should have a family reunion :P .

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