who needs alcohol when you have weird friends??? bahaha...
here are the quotable of the day...
miss laura sato (gets her own section!!! lol)

laura: hear that???
jasy: ... uhhh....
laura: THAT is the sound of happiness in a bottle!!

laura: your luck has come in!! *stare*
jasy: ... uhhhh why?
laura: because you're sitting next to me!!!
[turns to kat whose sitting across from her] kat, your luck has come in!!!
... i can't find the picture for this one... but its the best one in my opinion.
[i dont' even exactly know what happened but all of a sudden laur jsut goes...]
laura: .... do i look like a WAR AMP!!?!
jasy:.... KAT'S A WAR AMP!!!!!!
laura: no .. no i meant... UGHHHHH i didn't mean...
ok i'll stop targetting laura now =P ... other interesting things that happened this evening...
trying to "un-hot" janna

yes jannamae, it must be really hard being so hot ... hahaha ;) jk jk jk...
kat says: awww janna your earrings are so gorgeous. i want some. ..... but they wouldn't match my FACE!!
jo feels naked

howww.... attractive!!

so much love just-a-goin-around

alllll through the night.. kat was playing footsies with everrrryyyyyone... at one point i think joanna was playing footsies with janna.... and ... annd...

thankkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkks ladies =) ... i had a fun giggle-filled day. MUCH, MUCH, needed. =) MY LUCK HAS COME IN.
nicole the waitress says: are you guys celebrating something?
why YES! we're celebrating SEEING eachother =) ... *good times.*