Saturday, November 26, 2005

second cup christmas

i've been craving second cup alllll week ever sincei saw a girl in my english class with the cup. i love the cup its so festive!! i honestly just wanted second cup so i could get the cup. anyways yay for cindy she came with me to second cup after ccf haha and i got a caramel coretto MMM =9 so worth the wait. and now i ahve the cup too =)


---tonight while at christy's playing mj/poker---

cindy: have you seen the posters in my FACE??

clara: i don't even OWN a green shirt!!!! (everyone looks at the green shirt she's wearing)

clara: his short is sticker than mine!! (irt sam's hockey stick being shorter than hers)

---while heading out to the cab with jo, kat, and carson---
kat slips and falls on her butt.
[we get into the cab]
carson: hahhahahaha kat that was so funny when you fell!
cab driver: ........ YOU didnt' see her LEGS! they were kicking like THIS [moves hands in rapid circular motion]

*post it* ... maril said something to me at 5am yesterday and we were both laughing SO hard but i forget it. i just wanna remind myself to ask her.

when stupid things happen it makes life lighter. =)

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