It pretty much sucks that I can't get to sleep considering I've got to wake up in less than 5 hrs so I can get to work by 9.
NTS: Wash tumbler so I can load up on the coffee tomorrow without killing trees.
As much as I hate work right now, I'm excited about picking up these morning shifts. It'll be nice to have a little extra cash, esp without the training hrs i usually get. (Not bitter, not bitter.) And it'll be good alone time to do little things while i call.
I think I'm going to try to get there early enough tomorrow to buy a new sketchbook and some sharpies and pens and stuff. Maybe by the end of the term I'll actually fill it. I have some ideas for a bunch of jewelry I want to make this term, too. But that's not really something i can work on at work haha
Gross. I just burped a little and the taste of Whopper came up. It's nice having Jo back, but these midnight fast food runs are killing me. (Even though they're totally my idea.)
I want to watch the inauguration speech again. Oh, 'bama. *sigh* you make me well up every time. <3
bonne nuit!
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