Thursday, February 17, 2011

Overseas Rut?

I'm itching to explore.

I just got home from sushi and window shopping in Central with Auntie Teresa, and even briefly gazed upon the famed 'LKF', which, for a lack of friends my age, I have yet to actually visit.

Before actually returning to the apartment, I decided to sneak in a few precious moments of internet (on the public comp, since I left my netbook in the apartment) to lament a little about my own laziness.

Good food, good shopping. Yellowtail sushi, softshell crab handrolls, miso soup with cubes of tofu and tiny mushrooms, soft tufts of green tea powder mixed to perfection. (Sigh! -- I love eating with people who enjoy food as much as I do and know where to get good stuff!)

It just kind of gave me a wake up call as to how MUCH there is to see and experience here. And yet, for the past few weeks, aside from the Chinese New Year crazyness, I've been sitting around like a lump of rice. Working, eating, sleeping. Seeing the same old subway stops over and over. And over. I've barely been over to HK island at all.

I can't believe I'm in a rut already -- a month into my supposed vacation?

I was very ambitious before coming. And I've got to get back on the train! Screw it if I don't have friends! Exploring is more fun by yourself anyway. You'll see, self, tomorrow I shall drag myself out of bed before 11! Just you wait...


btsoi. said...

Oooh what I would give to be all by myself right now :) You just have to decide to get up and go out... I have to make that decision every morning. Or rather, that decision is made for me every morning haha.. Just decide on something, grab your stuff and go.

pink said...

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! What bee said!! MAN UP, WOMAN! EXPLORE.

ahmenduh. said...


...but yes, exploring by self is awesome too! I felt like that when I was in HK then regretted it when I came back! SO DO IT! :)