Tuesday, February 08, 2005


i've been thinking about lent again this year.. seems like a lot of ppl are doing it... "i'm giving up this thing and that thing" ... someone who was doing it asked me what lent WAS yesterday and i was jsut like "why would you do it if you dont' even know what it means??" but yeah i guess it came back to this article shabba sent me last year -- http://www.sermoncentral.com/sermon.asp?SermonID=42857&ContributorID=6699

"Jesus speaks to us through his Word, and he tells us that Lent is a time of self-denial, a time to give up something. But Jesus isn’t concerned with chocolate and CD’s – he’s concerned with what’s going on in our hearts. Lent is a time to give up those sins in our lives."

i may have posted the exact same thing last year, can't remember. but i think it's importnt to remind myself why i'm doing this.
so here's what i'm giving up for lent :P :

1. deep fried foods. haha this is my "material" thing... gonna try to stretch my self control a bit... and be a bit healthier at the same time ...

2. swearing and talking smack about ppl ... hahaha.. umm yeah...
okay . so here's something i know i do . and that i can hopefully stop doing. not jsut for 40 days.. but forever. :P

"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water." James 3:9-12

it's pretty bad. this verse is so blatant. like "you praise God and then you talk crap about ppl who HE made and loves." "you praise God and then you curse"
my stupid mouth is what i've found impossible to tame ... but i think now, more than ever... i understand its importance.... AHh ..

Please keep me accountable. BUT here are the ground rules haha:
1. i am allowed say things about people if they have done something TO me .. i think it's ok to talk about what happened to me and to react to things that affect me. jsut not things that ppl cant' control that has nothing to do with me :P
2. i am allowed to use word substitutes... like "sugar" or etc... BABY STEPS!!!

startinggg.... NOW. haha

some pics from winter retreat:

'6chicks' -- jo, me, jackie, laur, kat, alison *heart*

cabin 5 froshie girls :D -sarah, laura, kat, bee, me, and liz

our small group! (the FUNBOYS haha) -- jiffy, joyce, herm, josie, joseph, pam, and i

dinner table sat nite -- brian, derek, dawnie, alison, maril, me, and jo

for more pics visit http://spaces.msn.com/members/jasy

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