Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How good things come

I got my Avon last night, and sitting on Alison's rug opening the little boxes gleefully was definitely a much needed relief.

And then when I got home, I found out a friend's major surgery was successful. That worry's been one of my major stressors lately. Praise God for listening because I sure nagged Him alot about that one. :P

With that worry lifted, I thought I'd met my 'good news quota' for the week.

But today while calling for a cab (to meet Alison at Sweet Dreams for some Green tea icecream!) I decided to inquire (without any real expectation) about my camera that I dropped in a cab a few weeks back (and had already called twice before about, unsuccessfully)--- and they have it!

Tonight, Bee, Andrew, and I went to East Side's for the first time in probably a month and had half-price pizza which was delicious and what I'd consider to be a perfect celebratory food for the (hopeful) end of my bad luck spell.

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