Friday, October 30, 2009

Make It Go Away

My Daily Forcast says:
You're a loaded weapon right now. True, you can't officially be set on 'stun' -- but you could certainly wipe out an entire offending species, if you so choose.

I know it's kind of crap, but sometimes these things are so frighteningly accurate!

I have an interview at 9:30am and I'm sitting here listening to Holly Cole over and over and over again because I'm too hot, too sick, too uncomfortable, too... frustrated to sleep.

make it go away or make it better: isn't that what love is supposed to do?
make it go away or make it better: cause I would do either one for you.

i'm not angry, and i'm not crying. i'm just in over my head.
and you could be the angel who stays on my shoulder when all of the other angels left.

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