Friday, April 12, 2002

oh my gosh! you know what pisses me off? people who have low enough self esteem to push around other people for dumb reasons like their appearance. maybe it's just that grade nine's are immature, but by the sounds of it, a lot of grade ten's think it's pretty funny as well. there's this girl, and she's in grade nine.... i don't really know her, but i know she's a Christian as she attends the weekly ISCF prayer meetings and stuff... and so today i heard from a number of people that because of this girl's appearance, people in grade nine or people who know her call her "pug" or "manbeast" not only behind her back but also to her face as in they actually address this person by those names! and supposedly when she was in grade seven and i was in grade eight, some people put dog food on this girl's lunch tray thingy... ! how can anyone be so cruel?! like, it's not like people choose the way they look before they're born! i think people expect me to laugh when they say things like "oh my God she's so ugly i feel sorry for her parents!" or "she looks like a frickin dog!" but ya know, it's NOT FUNNY. cuz guess what? God made us ALL and he made us ALL beautiful. perfectly beautiful. and that person is just as much a piece of God's artwork as the next person.

boy, it's time like these that i realize why i enjoy being around Christian people and why i share my inner feelings and secrets with Christian people and not really non Christians... i'm not trying to be discrimnatory, but honestly, i don't see a lot of Christians hating others or tormenting them for their appearance. i'm not saying some don't as i'm sure they do... but not the ones that i know. and i'm sure glad my friends don't think i look like a dog or whatever but what if i did? would they not be friends with me? just because i looked different? well i sure hope people aren't friends with me because i look "normal" or whatever because that's a pretty DUMB reason to be friends with someone.

also, there was this other situation that i was in where i met this girl who was such a total sweetie! and so, her mother is extremely obsessed with health and stuff which would explain why she made everyone order four meals for seven people and three cakes for seven people but taht's totally beside the point, anyhoo, her daughter starts talking about how her mother makes her run at treadmill for half an hour every single day and tells her every single day that she's fat and ugly. O_o (quasimodo) now that is just gayass if you ask me. just plain stupid. i ended up telling her mom that the inside was way more important than the outside (me and my mouth) and now i don't think she likes me very much but i hardly care because if you treat your daughter in such a rude way i have absolutely no problem being blunt about how i feel. and it's pretty dumb to judge people by their appearance at all. just shows people don't have enough intillect to know what really matters-- the HEART.

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