Thursday, May 29, 2003

"I can't talk to you right now, I'm late for a meeting with my guidance counselor"

i don't know how many times i have fumed and raved about how much i despise just being "the friend" all the time.
well... yeah. i guess i dont' only frown on it when guys ask me about my friends... i just generally dislike when people repeatedly make certain comments about them. i mean it's nice to hear someone say "wow! your friend *** is so gorgeous!!!" once in a while =) i'm happy for my friends yeah. but then ... when it becomes like a routine thing. like every time someone sees them or their picture "oh wow she's so pretty!" then it just gets annoying. like yes. i know she's pretty whoopdeedoo. and yes i also know she is smart and amazing at sports and can do this and this and this and this . and yeah? she can also bullsh** and kiss your ass pretty well too huh?!
like freakin get to know someone before "you" *(you being people in general) judge them. i mean, granted i don't look like Quasimodo but shoot me if i can't feel a little hurt because my friend can just stand there and have whatchamever people flocking towards her or asking me gazzillions of questions about her because of her "amazing beauty". people just *assume* that she is also intelligent, spiritual, and mature. well yah you forgot athletic and "has everything".

and you know what? maybe she seems to have everything. but what you see there on the surface.. isn't the real deal. not all of it anyways. and maybe she knows how to slap on a dumpload of make up and keep her mouth shut except to say all the right thngs and kiss butt-- but newsflash! so can i. i just choose not to. i'd rather be this real live flaw-filled girl anyday than a perfect fake.

ending rant now.

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