had dinner with my family at east side's last night [thursday] for my sis's bday :)
it was a fun time enjoying and being extremely embarressed over my family's idiosyncrasies... my dad showed the waiter his kenker. and after i ordered my daquiri (yes anita it was a virgin one :P :)) my mom RE-emphasized to the hot waiter that it was a "VIR- GIN" daquiri HAHAHA..
but it was fun :)
and the hot waiter asked me whether or not i was 19 :) kekekeke....
had a really interesting discussion at praylude about the "nature" of spiritual gifts and their essence... in the end it was a very simple definition but ... one that requires a lot of thought and debate to take something so large and make it as specific as possible.
church picnic tommorow :)
fun in da sun :D for the FIRST time this summer O_o :P
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