hullooo... heading of to china tomorrow morning -- ancestral farm country-- lovelyyy... no a/c. nohting. i'm going to die. DIE I TELLS YA. and i just learned that i'm staying there for FIVE DAYS before i head off to the nicer part of china for only two point five.
anyways.. hopefully it'll be okay ... gonna do some thinking, do some postcard writing...
be back in a week!
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Saturday, July 24, 2004
disclaimer: sorry if you find my listing off everything i did boring but it's also for my own documentation of my trip :P
Sunday, July 25, 2004. 7:54
hullo! this is my third morning here but it feels like it's been way longer... like in a good way!!!... feeling pretty comfortable here already... also feels like longer cuz my days have just been completely packed it's insannnnnity! i get so tired by the end of the night, not from jet lag but just from exhaustion! lol it's weiirdd.. hoping to post pictures soon but there hasn't been a spare moment to do so... tonight prolly. anyways, this has been my schedule thus far:
friday: -arrive at my 'goo jeh' (dad's sister)-take nikita to musical theatre to watch the kiddies sing SO cute! - take nikita skating, shop at the mall that used to be connected to the old airport..err yeah... i hate mcd's cuz i was so hungry from not eating on the plane-meet up with my 'yee' (my mom's sister) for lunch at a shanghai place for SEW LUNG BOW mmm :9-meet up with my 'mahmah' (dad's mom), 'yee poh'(dad's aunt), 'ping guo suksuk' (his name + dad's bro :p), 'sumsum'(dad's bro's wife), and my cousin 'wingwing' for dinner -meet up with clara at harbour city for bbt :9.. met emily from japan and alison tsang who works in hk :)
saturday:-meet alex at the mtr at 9:15am-meet up with jo and heidi at causewaybay-shopshopshop at times square-- alex got me a guess watch for an early birthday present !! SO nice! .. was gonna get these shoes from Lane Crawford that were soooo niiiicee but i opted for the watch instead, more practical :P -ate lunch at a really nice sushi restaurant mmm sashimiiiii :9 -more shopping -- MUJI!!! i went to the infamous muji hahaha i'm in love.. heidi and jo couldn't stop laughing cuz i was going insane and alex was like "hurry up hurry up" and they kept lining up for me but getting to the front of the line and i'd still be looking around haha i'm goign back cuz i didn't fulfill all my desires but i got a lot of pens and a scrapboook and a pencilcase and BLOTTING PAPER which proves to be actually REALLY useful in hk !!!! .. after that we went to the 10 dollar store! heehehe and took card pics! :D -met up with my family to go to my 'mahmah''s house for dinner so funny... our whole family tried durian (gross!) and yeah it was really nice :) there was a general kinda closeness that was present even though we ahven't seen eachother for so long. -went to visit my friend Janet's family! it's really cool cuz we've known eachother since birth... she's been in boarding school in scottland! we've been neglecting to keep in touch over the years haha but it's awesome we just totally clicked back, i was so nervous it would be weird but it was good :) we're gonna go shopping and i'm dying my hair purple and getting it dipped in hot oil :)
anywyas i gotta get goinnng aeeek!
OH! btw, my roomate next year is kat! hahaha
Sunday, July 25, 2004. 7:54
hullo! this is my third morning here but it feels like it's been way longer... like in a good way!!!... feeling pretty comfortable here already... also feels like longer cuz my days have just been completely packed it's insannnnnity! i get so tired by the end of the night, not from jet lag but just from exhaustion! lol it's weiirdd.. hoping to post pictures soon but there hasn't been a spare moment to do so... tonight prolly. anyways, this has been my schedule thus far:
friday: -arrive at my 'goo jeh' (dad's sister)-take nikita to musical theatre to watch the kiddies sing SO cute! - take nikita skating, shop at the mall that used to be connected to the old airport..err yeah... i hate mcd's cuz i was so hungry from not eating on the plane-meet up with my 'yee' (my mom's sister) for lunch at a shanghai place for SEW LUNG BOW mmm :9-meet up with my 'mahmah' (dad's mom), 'yee poh'(dad's aunt), 'ping guo suksuk' (his name + dad's bro :p), 'sumsum'(dad's bro's wife), and my cousin 'wingwing' for dinner -meet up with clara at harbour city for bbt :9.. met emily from japan and alison tsang who works in hk :)
saturday:-meet alex at the mtr at 9:15am-meet up with jo and heidi at causewaybay-shopshopshop at times square-- alex got me a guess watch for an early birthday present !! SO nice! .. was gonna get these shoes from Lane Crawford that were soooo niiiicee but i opted for the watch instead, more practical :P -ate lunch at a really nice sushi restaurant mmm sashimiiiii :9 -more shopping -- MUJI!!! i went to the infamous muji hahaha i'm in love.. heidi and jo couldn't stop laughing cuz i was going insane and alex was like "hurry up hurry up" and they kept lining up for me but getting to the front of the line and i'd still be looking around haha i'm goign back cuz i didn't fulfill all my desires but i got a lot of pens and a scrapboook and a pencilcase and BLOTTING PAPER which proves to be actually REALLY useful in hk !!!! .. after that we went to the 10 dollar store! heehehe and took card pics! :D -met up with my family to go to my 'mahmah''s house for dinner so funny... our whole family tried durian (gross!) and yeah it was really nice :) there was a general kinda closeness that was present even though we ahven't seen eachother for so long. -went to visit my friend Janet's family! it's really cool cuz we've known eachother since birth... she's been in boarding school in scottland! we've been neglecting to keep in touch over the years haha but it's awesome we just totally clicked back, i was so nervous it would be weird but it was good :) we're gonna go shopping and i'm dying my hair purple and getting it dipped in hot oil :)
anywyas i gotta get goinnng aeeek!
OH! btw, my roomate next year is kat! hahaha
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Friday, July 23, 2004: 8:52 a.m.
i made it! :)
plane ride was actually alot shorter feeling than i'd initially assumed ... the food was so gross. other than try to eat, i watched everybody loves raymond, slept a bit, scribbled around in my sketchbook, read plane letters and a few chapters of PDL, and twisted around to avoid the bump created by the little boy's foot who was sitting behind me :P
driving away from the airport i was hit with jsut a flood of emotion... the mountains look like a painted backdrop and the colourful silhouettes of the buildings remind me of an oversized version of the board game Hotel. reminds me that my blood is in this city, in a way. i want to go back to the hospital where i was born. this place IS me.. a walking contradiction. the beauty of ancient china and the glamour of the new modern age all meshed together. not that i'm all the beauty and glamour hahaha i just MEAN... nevermind lol i'm so happy :)
and now i'm on the 17th floor of my aunt's building in ho man tin :) sooo nice! ... my cousin nikita is the coolest most adorable funny person EVER so gonna post up millions of pics later!!!! ^_^ i lub herrrrr!!! my sister's trying to hog her but she likes me betterrrr!!! she does she does! hahha.. anyways we're gonna go watch her play thing and her skating stuff later and then meet up with my grandma for supper :) and after that probably meet up with clara for bbt! cooz~ anyways i'm gonna go breathe in what oxygen i can get before we go outside again :P
i made it! :)
plane ride was actually alot shorter feeling than i'd initially assumed ... the food was so gross. other than try to eat, i watched everybody loves raymond, slept a bit, scribbled around in my sketchbook, read plane letters and a few chapters of PDL, and twisted around to avoid the bump created by the little boy's foot who was sitting behind me :P
driving away from the airport i was hit with jsut a flood of emotion... the mountains look like a painted backdrop and the colourful silhouettes of the buildings remind me of an oversized version of the board game Hotel. reminds me that my blood is in this city, in a way. i want to go back to the hospital where i was born. this place IS me.. a walking contradiction. the beauty of ancient china and the glamour of the new modern age all meshed together. not that i'm all the beauty and glamour hahaha i just MEAN... nevermind lol i'm so happy :)
and now i'm on the 17th floor of my aunt's building in ho man tin :) sooo nice! ... my cousin nikita is the coolest most adorable funny person EVER so gonna post up millions of pics later!!!! ^_^ i lub herrrrr!!! my sister's trying to hog her but she likes me betterrrr!!! she does she does! hahha.. anyways we're gonna go watch her play thing and her skating stuff later and then meet up with my grandma for supper :) and after that probably meet up with clara for bbt! cooz~ anyways i'm gonna go breathe in what oxygen i can get before we go outside again :P
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Monday, July 19, 2004
still waiting on my cow.
sooo ... got my rez package in the mail today turns out they gave me my second last choice and put me in REV aka v2 ... hahaha... so at first jo, who also got v2, and i were like freaking out at our misfortune... we've heard horror stories about this place. but now, i'm actually pretty excited... not sure who my roommate is yet, hopefully not someone who brings their boyfriend in and .. yeah. not fun. but i'm getting revved up for uni :) seems realer. seems closer... it'll be fun.
leaving in twooo days.. wed nite at 10, a.c. terminal1 .. ak! hong kong kong..
sooo ... got my rez package in the mail today turns out they gave me my second last choice and put me in REV aka v2 ... hahaha... so at first jo, who also got v2, and i were like freaking out at our misfortune... we've heard horror stories about this place. but now, i'm actually pretty excited... not sure who my roommate is yet, hopefully not someone who brings their boyfriend in and .. yeah. not fun. but i'm getting revved up for uni :) seems realer. seems closer... it'll be fun.
leaving in twooo days.. wed nite at 10, a.c. terminal1 .. ak! hong kong kong..
Friday, July 16, 2004
a few things i need before i go back to hong kong.
(dixie chicks cover is good too! usually not much of a country girl, but i have a weak spot for dixie chicks and i absolutely love this song...)
- Give me my cow back. whoever has my cow had seriously better give it back now. my four year old cousin loves him and she thinks i'm going to bring him back to hongkong with me. and i intend on bringing him back with me. look. seriously, whoever you are if you read this, i'd really like him back. i swear, just give him back and i won't even be angry. i dont' know what motivation anyone would have for taking my old cow and not telling me or giving him back. i am leaving in five days. now would be a good time to give him back.
- i can't find my battery charger, has anyone seen my battery charger? :P ... ok and for anyone who "maybe you lost your cow too" is running through their head right now... NO. i did NOT. tiff placed him with her things, left, came back and all her stuff was there and my cow was gone.
(dixie chicks cover is good too! usually not much of a country girl, but i have a weak spot for dixie chicks and i absolutely love this song...)
I took my love and I took it down_I climbed a mountain and I turned around_And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills_Well the landslide brought me down_Oh, mirror in the sky, What is love?_Can the child within my heart rise above_Can I sail thru the changing ocean tides?_Can I handle the seasons of my life?_Well, I've been afraid of changing 'cause I built my life around you_But time makes you bolder_Children get older_I'm getting older, too
Thursday, July 15, 2004
"childlike enthusiasm"
i am so sick of italian food hahaha... but i love del dente purely for their bread and mints. watched under the tuscan sun at dor's -- i liked it! ... empowering like "i don't need a man to be happy." :)
went to renison and tlaked to the magic computer course registration lady who got me into ISS105R so now i'm taking prereq's for sds ! yay :) china101 apps are still being reviewed by the committee.. i hope and pray that i get in.. eek ! but if not i guess i'll take that as a sign that i'm not supposed to go to china this summer after all..and yah i'll take greek or something.. maybe not though because it's supposed to be really hard? but i'm really thankful that my courses got fixed up a bit
vbs prep these two days (even though i'm gonna miss it :( ).. oh updated viv's link (ovaltine) to her aa pg and added janey's chickvegas which eveyrone already has anyways so i don't know why i just typed either of those two up but i am so tired gonan crash now. ... orrrrrrrrrr finish my book :P almost done! nite
i am so sick of italian food hahaha... but i love del dente purely for their bread and mints. watched under the tuscan sun at dor's -- i liked it! ... empowering like "i don't need a man to be happy." :)
went to renison and tlaked to the magic computer course registration lady who got me into ISS105R so now i'm taking prereq's for sds ! yay :) china101 apps are still being reviewed by the committee.. i hope and pray that i get in.. eek ! but if not i guess i'll take that as a sign that i'm not supposed to go to china this summer after all..and yah i'll take greek or something.. maybe not though because it's supposed to be really hard? but i'm really thankful that my courses got fixed up a bit
vbs prep these two days (even though i'm gonna miss it :( ).. oh updated viv's link (ovaltine) to her aa pg and added janey's chickvegas which eveyrone already has anyways so i don't know why i just typed either of those two up but i am so tired gonan crash now. ... orrrrrrrrrr finish my book :P almost done! nite
Monday, July 12, 2004
i dont' know who this song is by...
good wknd
sat: -chilled at wall's
-dinner at the choi's (not me) greek foodies!
-watched princess bride with jo on tv
sun:-lunch at marbles with patty
-gluttony lol mmm pieee... and durn quote wall! :P
-hung out at westcourt
-went to watch hockey
gotta finish writing up my grad pics.. and get some breakfast... check out dor's new xanga ---
good wknd
sat: -chilled at wall's
-dinner at the choi's (not me) greek foodies!
-watched princess bride with jo on tv
sun:-lunch at marbles with patty
-gluttony lol mmm pieee... and durn quote wall! :P
-hung out at westcourt
-went to watch hockey
gotta finish writing up my grad pics.. and get some breakfast... check out dor's new xanga ---
Saturday, July 10, 2004
uptown girls
I LOVE IT. ahhhh so cute!
"grownups never stay friends with kids" how frickin true
and "every story has an ending, but in life, the ending is just another beginning"
that's my favourite. i really dont'w anna grow up... i can't stop thinking about it.. had this conversation last nite that just made me not be able to stop thinking about this inevitability of having to .. man i'm gonna throw up. hopefully the fall will be a good beginning. but for nnowwwww... still being a crazy 17 yr old living up her last summer... sort of.
I LOVE IT. ahhhh so cute!
"grownups never stay friends with kids" how frickin true
and "every story has an ending, but in life, the ending is just another beginning"
that's my favourite. i really dont'w anna grow up... i can't stop thinking about it.. had this conversation last nite that just made me not be able to stop thinking about this inevitability of having to .. man i'm gonna throw up. hopefully the fall will be a good beginning. but for nnowwwww... still being a crazy 17 yr old living up her last summer... sort of.
Thursday, July 08, 2004
no one has a freakin right to tell me what i can and can not eat!
oh my GOSH. i am so pissed. i'll eat whatever i flippin wanna eat when i wanna eat it.
at least now i can stomp away and slam a door. in hk i won't even be able to do these things. what the hell am i gonna do in hongkong? we're gonna wring eachother's necks if this continues.
no one has a freakin right to tell me what i can and can not eat!
oh my GOSH. i am so pissed. i'll eat whatever i flippin wanna eat when i wanna eat it.
at least now i can stomp away and slam a door. in hk i won't even be able to do these things. what the hell am i gonna do in hongkong? we're gonna wring eachother's necks if this continues.
random nice things
shabba and poopoohead -- hearts and love.
sometimes i can just really use a day brightener.
oh yeah, still a bit bummed i won't lie. but i feel like learning from the past a bit. university is not a total bummer, it hasn't even begun. my life is not getting screwed up, it's just getting turned in the direction it's supposed to go. patience? trust? ... i'm relaxing.
shabba and poopoohead -- hearts and love.
sometimes i can just really use a day brightener.
oh yeah, still a bit bummed i won't lie. but i feel like learning from the past a bit. university is not a total bummer, it hasn't even begun. my life is not getting screwed up, it's just getting turned in the direction it's supposed to go. patience? trust? ... i'm relaxing.
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
i'm so frustrated... had my course selection session today
this is not a good start to university at all. like, the courses i'm supposed to take for my major are restricted and UGH i've already explained this too many times it's so tiring. but basically once again things just dont' seem to be working out all too well.. i had to email the person to get slotted into these classes maybe they won't even let me and like FRIGG!.. i prolly won't get into china 101 either which rules out working for evergreen in china next summer for me and just *ugh*
i just thought things would be clearer.
my stupid email won't activate either. and i don't even feel like doing anything right now. i jsut wanna retract into a ball on my bed and cry or something.
i'm so frustrated... had my course selection session today
this is not a good start to university at all. like, the courses i'm supposed to take for my major are restricted and UGH i've already explained this too many times it's so tiring. but basically once again things just dont' seem to be working out all too well.. i had to email the person to get slotted into these classes maybe they won't even let me and like FRIGG!.. i prolly won't get into china 101 either which rules out working for evergreen in china next summer for me and just *ugh*
i just thought things would be clearer.
my stupid email won't activate either. and i don't even feel like doing anything right now. i jsut wanna retract into a ball on my bed and cry or something.
Monday, July 05, 2004
"But now you know the true God. Really, it is God who knows you. So why do you turn back to those weak and useless rules you followed before? Do you want to be slaves to those things again? You still follow teachings abotu special days, months, seasons, and years. I am afraid for you, that my work for you has been wasted."
Gal 4:8-11(NCY)
Gal 4:8-11(NCY)
Friday, July 02, 2004
Thursday, July 01, 2004
pictures from prom, click to enlarge. i'm too tired to upload anymore get Hello!...
i'll stick up some tdot ones later... descriptions from top to bottom, left to right are as follows:
(1) group minus dora :( at pt's before prom... (2)franklin, justin, caleb (3)kat and jo(4)me and jasmit! JAZZY's!(5)jo me and tiff being stupid (6)tiff and alex mowf fuww... haha we had so many plates of food (7)erin and i (8) me and dor (9)kat and caleb haha (10)corsages! (me jo kat tiff) (11)me and alex (10)toast to the end of highschool ... cheers girlies! <3

oh yeah btw, if you noticed, i changed my song ... but i couldn't find any good ones so i need some help... until then it's gonna be Britney Spears- Everytime haha so save your ears from her awful singing! help me find a song ;) lol
i'll stick up some tdot ones later... descriptions from top to bottom, left to right are as follows:
(1) group minus dora :( at pt's before prom... (2)franklin, justin, caleb (3)kat and jo(4)me and jasmit! JAZZY's!(5)jo me and tiff being stupid (6)tiff and alex mowf fuww... haha we had so many plates of food (7)erin and i (8) me and dor (9)kat and caleb haha (10)corsages! (me jo kat tiff) (11)me and alex (10)toast to the end of highschool ... cheers girlies! <3

oh yeah btw, if you noticed, i changed my song ... but i couldn't find any good ones so i need some help... until then it's gonna be Britney Spears- Everytime haha so save your ears from her awful singing! help me find a song ;) lol
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