super super weekend!!
movies, dora came up, toronto, cartilage piercing, horror movies, shopping and crazy laughs
in such a good mood but yeah. after tuesday-- (colour + banner + song)change :) plus a bazillion pictures :)
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Thursday, October 28, 2004
been jsut so busy with midterm stuff ... but i'm doing okay now... wellafter monday... i had my last of the first set ... and then i only have two in my second set so it's all good :) i'm pretty happy... i've gotten my econ and afm back... econ i got 89% and my afm i studied one hour for (i had my psych midterm on the same day and was going insane) and i got 65%! :D i know it doesn't sound that great but that's really great umm yeah
this weekend is going to be absolutely awesome!!... starting tomorrow....
tmrw nite-- kat, jo, chris, dev, marilyn, emzhei, quyen, and i are going to galaxy for a movie (either grudge or shark tale)
fri-- DORA COMES HOME!, commencement, kreazeless chill time.
sat-- head out to toronto, meet up with emzhei CARTILAGE PIERCING (finally), shoppingg, dev's halloween party + slumber party!!
sun-- me and dev hitting up walmart--woooot, meeting up with kat and maril @ the beach!
i can NOT wait. :)
it's been a rocky few weeks. i totally deserve this weekend. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
been jsut so busy with midterm stuff ... but i'm doing okay now... wellafter monday... i had my last of the first set ... and then i only have two in my second set so it's all good :) i'm pretty happy... i've gotten my econ and afm back... econ i got 89% and my afm i studied one hour for (i had my psych midterm on the same day and was going insane) and i got 65%! :D i know it doesn't sound that great but that's really great umm yeah
this weekend is going to be absolutely awesome!!... starting tomorrow....
tmrw nite-- kat, jo, chris, dev, marilyn, emzhei, quyen, and i are going to galaxy for a movie (either grudge or shark tale)
fri-- DORA COMES HOME!, commencement, kreazeless chill time.
sat-- head out to toronto, meet up with emzhei CARTILAGE PIERCING (finally), shoppingg, dev's halloween party + slumber party!!
sun-- me and dev hitting up walmart--woooot, meeting up with kat and maril @ the beach!
i can NOT wait. :)
it's been a rocky few weeks. i totally deserve this weekend. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sunday, October 24, 2004
this weekened i was sort of missing last weekend alot cuz last weekend we had a pizza party and were all psycho and fun ...
this weekend everyone was pretty mellowed out and we didn't really do anything til tonight we went over to my house.. like house house and watched 13 going on 30 again wheeeee :) i love that movie
digital arts communication specialization? hmmmm...
finally took some buckey's today... ugh. it DOES taste awful... actually not even so much the taste as ... the smell.. and the fact that it BURNS your lips and your throat and now my chest is getting all burnyyyy :P ... let's hope it WORKS. i've been sick since thanksgiving >_<
this weekened i was sort of missing last weekend alot cuz last weekend we had a pizza party and were all psycho and fun ...
this weekend everyone was pretty mellowed out and we didn't really do anything til tonight we went over to my house.. like house house and watched 13 going on 30 again wheeeee :) i love that movie
digital arts communication specialization? hmmmm...
finally took some buckey's today... ugh. it DOES taste awful... actually not even so much the taste as ... the smell.. and the fact that it BURNS your lips and your throat and now my chest is getting all burnyyyy :P ... let's hope it WORKS. i've been sick since thanksgiving >_<
Thursday, October 21, 2004
study break
a shaky week, but things are relatively back to normal.. i can't wait until today is over. i hate exams. i dunno how well my psych went. practically all the multiple choice questions i got were NOT in the review package. he said he was taking the questions from the review like wth... ugh. pisses me off that i stayed up til 5:30 am studying the stuff that i dnd't even need to know. and the stuff i decided not to really spend time on is on my exam. ironic, the affects of sleep and the REM cycle took up 4 questions out of 36 on my multiple choice. >.< guess who didnt' read that, or get any sleep?? >:(
i've been considering a double major-- sds plus economics... hmmm...
i'm finding myself actually really enjoying the business part of my program.. ok aside from accounting :| but it's not *that* bad i guess... i dunno about a career in business, hence the dbl major, but yeah. i dunno. just something to think about.
first time i've studied at dp since june... but i'm on the main floor becuase i'm still coughing and it's way to quiet upstairs. i've mainly been studying at either slc or in dev and aneta's room... slc is crazy packed these days though i guess because of midterms+24hr tim hortons. it's so great. my new addiction is the MOCHA thanks to emzhei.. i had two extra large mochas last nite and i have at least one every single day.. >_< so bad.
anywyas that's my 10 minutes. back to accounting and financial management. joy.
a shaky week, but things are relatively back to normal.. i can't wait until today is over. i hate exams. i dunno how well my psych went. practically all the multiple choice questions i got were NOT in the review package. he said he was taking the questions from the review like wth... ugh. pisses me off that i stayed up til 5:30 am studying the stuff that i dnd't even need to know. and the stuff i decided not to really spend time on is on my exam. ironic, the affects of sleep and the REM cycle took up 4 questions out of 36 on my multiple choice. >.< guess who didnt' read that, or get any sleep?? >:(
i've been considering a double major-- sds plus economics... hmmm...
i'm finding myself actually really enjoying the business part of my program.. ok aside from accounting :| but it's not *that* bad i guess... i dunno about a career in business, hence the dbl major, but yeah. i dunno. just something to think about.
first time i've studied at dp since june... but i'm on the main floor becuase i'm still coughing and it's way to quiet upstairs. i've mainly been studying at either slc or in dev and aneta's room... slc is crazy packed these days though i guess because of midterms+24hr tim hortons. it's so great. my new addiction is the MOCHA thanks to emzhei.. i had two extra large mochas last nite and i have at least one every single day.. >_< so bad.
anywyas that's my 10 minutes. back to accounting and financial management. joy.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
welps... looks like i'm gonna be pulling my very first all niter of university tonight >_< ... pray for me... i think i'll be okay but at the same time.. very not. :P
i dunno why but like the more stressed i am the more i wanna not do work.. like i wanna take webcam pictures but according to dev i'm "not allowed" so i'm gonna go back to studying now *scream*
omg tmrw i'm gonna have a party :P
welps... looks like i'm gonna be pulling my very first all niter of university tonight >_< ... pray for me... i think i'll be okay but at the same time.. very not. :P
i dunno why but like the more stressed i am the more i wanna not do work.. like i wanna take webcam pictures but according to dev i'm "not allowed" so i'm gonna go back to studying now *scream*
omg tmrw i'm gonna have a party :P
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
happy thanksgiving :)
i have so much to be thankful for.
mostly i jsut look at all these blessings i have and i'm thankful to be alive.
went to pmall on sat after wayne and jess's ceremony with kat, jo, mo, and alison...i got my second hole pierced and we took a fobby card pic hehehe
congrats wayne and jess!
went up to toronto on sat. for wayne and jess's wedding!!!! *so* beautifullll *swooon* i cried so much during the ceremony :P and the reception was really fun ... lol so many laughs... and so much wine haha
heeeeee! all married ;)
the girls + pt
hahaha.. this is the table for the wedding party lol.. we wanted to sit in the chairs but we felt bad so we just stood behind it :P
the *real* cake cutting (as opposed to the fake one haha)
the first dance-- i almost cried *again*
bah photobucket is messed up .. the photos that are too big they resize to make them PUNY. grr. and i have 8:30 class tomorrow so everyone will jsut have to live with the crap pictures.
i have so much to be thankful for.
mostly i jsut look at all these blessings i have and i'm thankful to be alive.
went to pmall on sat after wayne and jess's ceremony with kat, jo, mo, and alison...i got my second hole pierced and we took a fobby card pic hehehe

congrats wayne and jess!
went up to toronto on sat. for wayne and jess's wedding!!!! *so* beautifullll *swooon* i cried so much during the ceremony :P and the reception was really fun ... lol so many laughs... and so much wine haha
heeeeee! all married ;)

the girls + pt

hahaha.. this is the table for the wedding party lol.. we wanted to sit in the chairs but we felt bad so we just stood behind it :P

the *real* cake cutting (as opposed to the fake one haha)

the first dance-- i almost cried *again*

bah photobucket is messed up .. the photos that are too big they resize to make them PUNY. grr. and i have 8:30 class tomorrow so everyone will jsut have to live with the crap pictures.
Saturday, October 09, 2004
good to be home
so i'm home for the first time in a month ... pretty crazy :P but it's good to be back... i guess the nice thing about not being here for so long is that you learn to appreciate some of the things...
for example, showering. like ok. normally every day when i take a shower at rev it's jsut not that enjoyable... cuz i have to wear flipflops cuz i worry about the dirtiness and whether or not ppl pee in the shower (yes, there are people on my floor whose hygene i question :P) and i hve to try and balance my towel and clothes on a slippery crap hook which, 3/4 times leaves my clothes in a pile on the floor. the showering stall is dark and dingy. and SMALL. so small that when i towel off i actually have to be really careful because i dont' want my towel touching the wall or the shower curtain (gross). furthermore, i can't sing. normally at home, i belt out God knows what in the shower all the time, the acoustics are great. at rev only emzhei sings in the shower, but she's so good and i dont' ahve that much confidence in my voice, especially early in the morning.
needless to say i just had the sexiest shower ever. left all my clothes in a pile on the ground splashed my barefeet around on the clean tub, turned the water up to the max temperature and stayed in there for a good 15 minutes. which is a lot shorter than the showers i used to take, but good nonetheless.
ahhhh... now for my soft squishy bed... -_- :)
so i'm home for the first time in a month ... pretty crazy :P but it's good to be back... i guess the nice thing about not being here for so long is that you learn to appreciate some of the things...
for example, showering. like ok. normally every day when i take a shower at rev it's jsut not that enjoyable... cuz i have to wear flipflops cuz i worry about the dirtiness and whether or not ppl pee in the shower (yes, there are people on my floor whose hygene i question :P) and i hve to try and balance my towel and clothes on a slippery crap hook which, 3/4 times leaves my clothes in a pile on the floor. the showering stall is dark and dingy. and SMALL. so small that when i towel off i actually have to be really careful because i dont' want my towel touching the wall or the shower curtain (gross). furthermore, i can't sing. normally at home, i belt out God knows what in the shower all the time, the acoustics are great. at rev only emzhei sings in the shower, but she's so good and i dont' ahve that much confidence in my voice, especially early in the morning.
needless to say i just had the sexiest shower ever. left all my clothes in a pile on the ground splashed my barefeet around on the clean tub, turned the water up to the max temperature and stayed in there for a good 15 minutes. which is a lot shorter than the showers i used to take, but good nonetheless.
ahhhh... now for my soft squishy bed... -_- :)
Thursday, October 07, 2004
YAYYYYY the song works!!!! dev got me hooked on this song and i listen to it around 20 times every single day so i just thought i'd share :P stacie orrico : i promise
haha so niceeee!
so i wrote my first university exam this week -- econ101... i think it went alright.. although i guess there is really no telling with larry smith... in certain questions, allthe answers (or several) were correct, and it was just a matter of puicking the "best" answer. i hate multiple choice questions like that... but the exam went alright none the less. (knock on wood)
annnnd ... after 2:30 today--- i start my 4.5 day weekend! *wooot* :) haha going home for the first time since school started ... but i'm gonna miss all my rev girlies :*(. ok naptime, later.
haha so niceeee!
so i wrote my first university exam this week -- econ101... i think it went alright.. although i guess there is really no telling with larry smith... in certain questions, allthe answers (or several) were correct, and it was just a matter of puicking the "best" answer. i hate multiple choice questions like that... but the exam went alright none the less. (knock on wood)
annnnd ... after 2:30 today--- i start my 4.5 day weekend! *wooot* :) haha going home for the first time since school started ... but i'm gonna miss all my rev girlies :*(. ok naptime, later.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
i can't wait til this week is over.
ok so there's jsut a dark cloud hanging over my head. i'm not at my top happiness or as aneta said today "you look more depressed than usual" :P... i was looking forward to friday cuzi was gonna get my cartilage pierced at p-mall but i can't do that anymore so my wk is shot. ok not really. but it does put a damper in it. i was gonna go to bed but i jsut felt like i was gonna pop so i had to come here and write stuff. ... *sigh* i dont' really feel like going into all the stuff that i feel and what triggered these feelings but jacqueline said something today that made me go "EXACTLY!"=-- nothing profound, just what i feel like i need. she said "sometimes all you need is to know people are there for you and care for you" (not in those exact words)but yeah...maybe i'm feeling a bit abandoned. and i know that it's stupid and selfish. but i feel that i have a right to mope as long as i'm not demanding anything from anyone, and i'm not.
anyways... happy thoughts happy thoughts... hmm well took a bit of a break from studying today to go to frosh cell --- went to k-zone! woot! was superly duperly fun and was most certainly a day brightner :)
... pictures...
this is the tree in my banner, it's on the path on the way to slc at the top of "the hill" so i walk past this tree several times a day and i just think it's gorgeous. i wanna take pictures of it in all the seasons... becuase... becuase i'm a nerd! lol:
this is on the path from renison back to REV ... me and emzhei were walking back and i made her stop like fifty times so i could take pics :P :
who says studying isn't fun? lol lol ... JT, marilyn, jo, and freako kat in "the room" at slc... hahah we were *so* productive ¬_¬ lol:
anyways going to bed now.. gotta get up early to study.
ok so there's jsut a dark cloud hanging over my head. i'm not at my top happiness or as aneta said today "you look more depressed than usual" :P... i was looking forward to friday cuzi was gonna get my cartilage pierced at p-mall but i can't do that anymore so my wk is shot. ok not really. but it does put a damper in it. i was gonna go to bed but i jsut felt like i was gonna pop so i had to come here and write stuff. ... *sigh* i dont' really feel like going into all the stuff that i feel and what triggered these feelings but jacqueline said something today that made me go "EXACTLY!"=-- nothing profound, just what i feel like i need. she said "sometimes all you need is to know people are there for you and care for you" (not in those exact words)but yeah...maybe i'm feeling a bit abandoned. and i know that it's stupid and selfish. but i feel that i have a right to mope as long as i'm not demanding anything from anyone, and i'm not.
anyways... happy thoughts happy thoughts... hmm well took a bit of a break from studying today to go to frosh cell --- went to k-zone! woot! was superly duperly fun and was most certainly a day brightner :)
... pictures...
this is the tree in my banner, it's on the path on the way to slc at the top of "the hill" so i walk past this tree several times a day and i just think it's gorgeous. i wanna take pictures of it in all the seasons... becuase... becuase i'm a nerd! lol:

this is on the path from renison back to REV ... me and emzhei were walking back and i made her stop like fifty times so i could take pics :P :

who says studying isn't fun? lol lol ... JT, marilyn, jo, and freako kat in "the room" at slc... hahah we were *so* productive ¬_¬ lol:

anyways going to bed now.. gotta get up early to study.
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