Saturday, October 09, 2004

good to be home

so i'm home for the first time in a month ... pretty crazy :P but it's good to be back... i guess the nice thing about not being here for so long is that you learn to appreciate some of the things...

for example, showering. like ok. normally every day when i take a shower at rev it's jsut not that enjoyable... cuz i have to wear flipflops cuz i worry about the dirtiness and whether or not ppl pee in the shower (yes, there are people on my floor whose hygene i question :P) and i hve to try and balance my towel and clothes on a slippery crap hook which, 3/4 times leaves my clothes in a pile on the floor. the showering stall is dark and dingy. and SMALL. so small that when i towel off i actually have to be really careful because i dont' want my towel touching the wall or the shower curtain (gross). furthermore, i can't sing. normally at home, i belt out God knows what in the shower all the time, the acoustics are great. at rev only emzhei sings in the shower, but she's so good and i dont' ahve that much confidence in my voice, especially early in the morning.

needless to say i just had the sexiest shower ever. left all my clothes in a pile on the ground splashed my barefeet around on the clean tub, turned the water up to the max temperature and stayed in there for a good 15 minutes. which is a lot shorter than the showers i used to take, but good nonetheless.

ahhhh... now for my soft squishy bed... -_- :)

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