Monday, April 18, 2005

a refusal

i won't do it.
i won't say goodbye. i'd rather walk away. why should i have to take all this bloody heartache when it hurts you not even half as much? my heart on a platter.
no. gonna put my headphones on and eveyrthing will be blocked out.

(but i say this knowing full well...)

already had to say one goodbye last night. boy did i screw THAT goodbye up... i'm so useless. but ericman i will never ever EVER forget you. thankyou for late night chats, psych studying, hot chocolate, chocolate milk, cheese haha... for movies, for laughs, even for your crazy freaky laughs and scaring the crap out of me that time. thankyou for caring about our *family* ... for always trying to hold it together. caring about how we care about eachother. thanks for being such an incredible friend... brother... <3
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pink and blue... for taking care of me last nite... there are few constants lately, and you two are SELECT.
6 chicks... for keeping me in and lifting me up with your prayers. these friendships. tears can't tell how much they mean. it was good to be together again. :)
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