Thursday, December 15, 2005

hello random
when i woke up this morning i found $120 on my desk along with my favourite pair of socks (black puma) that i'd lost for a long time.

on my way to narnia
2/4 tonight.. and then 3 tomorrow and thennnnnnnnnnn 4 on monday and NARNIA! *whee*

i was so stupid. detach, detach, detach!!... even i need to learn some self defense.
i won't take pride in selfishness though. i'm not going to be ashamed of caring about other people. (granted, sometimes i am the most selfish person you will ever meet) my world does not revolve around "number one", and i don't charge ahead uncaring of the hearts i may be shattering on my way.
MY bit of selfishness? always being afraid that things are "about" me, even when i know full well they aren't. overanalysing. maybe stepping on other people's right NOT to give a damn about me.
so here i protect myself and i protect them from me. i'm waving and i won't cry i single tear.
shhh before you say anything. i think i'm allowed to express myself too.

on that note
It takes little strength to rely on others, moderate strength to rely on yourself, and great strength to let go of that whole strength and pride thing and fall into the arms of God.
current status? still a weakling.

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