it is important to know why.
i used to think maybe it wasnt' so important why. that constantly seeking out why was a waste of time, because no matter why, the who what when and where and how would most likely still be that way. therefore, why waste the effort into wondering why ... in a sense, certain things maybe i still dont' feel like questioning...
but there are three things i think are important:
1. why i believe in what i believe
recently someone who i consider to be really strong in their faith started questioning it. and at first i was like omg panic... doubt. is it "horrible"? ... honestly, i dont' think so. maybe its good. sometimes. maybe its good if it causes us to seek out God more and figure out WHY He is who He is. isn't that what He wants after all? for us to SEEK after him? to search for him... and thirst for more? should we be content in what we THINK we know and blindly walk in our naive faith?
i dunno. i can't say i am all theologically correct or know anything really ... but what i believe is that God wants us to have a firm faith, to know his heart and i dunno, if questioning things and digging helps us do that then i'm thinking its a good thing. and i think that if thats' what we're doing, trying to figure out why we believe, trying to REALLy find God .. that he'll provide those answers some way...
2. why other people are the way they are
we watched Crash tonight. really good movieee...
anyways the whole thing is all these people interconnected but what i thought was so crazy was one minute i would be liek omg i hate that person!!!! and then the next minute it would be like OHHHH no wonder they're like that. i dunno. i guess i talk too much smack. and i get angry really easily. maybe it would be better if i took the time to find out why people are the way they are ... and if i can't maybe even to just give them the benefit of the doubt...
annd i can't remmeber number 3 but i have to sleep so i'mma quit rambling.. gnite
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