Monday, February 13, 2006

"deal with it"

as eric would say. or as alison would say "SUCK IT UP!!!" haha
it seems it's time again for me to do these things.
just seems like between family, school, and friends(some)... it's nonstop tension anger and conflict. i'm not going to complain about it. but gawd i wanna run. (is it *always* wrong to take the easy way out?)

i've been thinking about strength recently. and i think there are many types. i think i can be "strong", and in some ways, i am. i think that jsut becuase you don't show your emotions or allow yourself to be vulnerable to others or show how things affect you, that doesn't mean you're stronger than i am. i think that i'm glad that i am generally aware of my weaknesses and i'm not afraid to show them to others -- beucase, in weakness, God is stronger. not ALL weakness is "bad" or in our control. but i do have many that are those things.

my problem? ... is actually DEALING with those "bad" weaknesses and consistently and persistently making an effort to change things in myself that hurt God or hurt others or hurt myself.

alison and i went down to toronto yesterday to celebrate miss bee's birthday =)
i like downtown alot. in the summer i would sometimes tell people i was leaving a lot earlier than i actually was and grab street meat and chill by myself with the pigeons and or a good book at indigo. =)
downtown is fun with PEOPLE too =) hehe ... it was fun just hanging out with bee alison and andrew =) .. it "works". i like when ppl fit together. we laugh. and i like bee. :)
goodtimes =)

God make me steadfast?

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