Saturday, December 06, 2003


A need for decisions has come with a realization that where I am now is not where I am supposed to be, or rather, this is not the path I am supposed to be taking. This term has been a jostling ride full of confusion, hurt, and questions of life. This is a journey I believe I was meant to take, in that whatever trials life throws at you, God will use the circumstances in order that your character be molded, and your experiences be a testimony of His goodness. However, through prayer, and ways I believe God has spoken to me, and even just by the simple parable of the talents, I think He is showing me another way. A way in which I can serve Him better with the gifts He's given me.

That being said, I can not say i know exactly where I'm being led, or what exactly will happen. But i do know this- that God wants me to be happy, God wants me to use what He's given me, and that God will provide for me.

In the end I can only just pray. Stay on my knees and pray for guidance, strength, and the support, TRUE support, of the people I love. Your prayer would be greatly appreciated too. Thanks. :)

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