Friday, December 12, 2003

six days til kurara's back and seven til eumie and nita are back !!! *^_^*
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

my rivalry with the AV lady
she always always watches me. eveyrone around me can be online gaming and she'll shut down my blogging. so yesterday she does this and i got so annoyed and i started typing in a notepad file so that i could take it and post it on my blog.

me: what the heck!!!! the guy on the computer next to me is GAMING and you shut off my HTML script!!!! [i was screwing with my template]
yeah OKAY.

so i turn it back on... and ... she shuts me down AGAIN!
so back to notepad i go...

me: and i repeat myself again.

suddenly, the curser moves down two lines and ALL ON IT'S own starts typing:

And I repeat myself. This is against school board policy!!!! Please read your AUP.

Needless to say i was deathly freaked out, and resisted all temptation to make some smartass comment back at her. :P i REALLY hope she doesn't know who i am in person!! :( so scary!! but i really do think it's unfair that she only watches me.

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