Tuesday, December 09, 2003

questions answered

on monday morning i awoke from my two-three hours of sleep as nervous as i had been when i'd hit the pillow the night before. i'd spent most of the night freaking out and praying and reading scripture, scared that what i thought was God's will wasn't. and asking God to close the doors if it really wasn't His will and it was just some self motivated idea. But God opened the doors wide and the transition from sciences to arts went really smoothly! the teachers were open and supportive, the courses fit into my timetable, and i was able to get it switched THAT day :)

It's crazy cuz now i know it must be God's will for sure. even more sure than before this happened. i just think it was something really cool to have to trust Him... even though i knew what i wanted. i guess i was most afraid that even though i THOUGHT it was God's will, that it wouldn't be. but i think it was a learning experience to ask for the doors to close... to ask for Him to do it His way and not mine.

this term has been ... insane. beyond insane. this one day i asked g "why?? why is perseverance so important??!" and now i think i know. because if i hadn't persevered i would never have experienced this, i would never have gotten this contentment in being happy with what i was doing, and in knowing God's will. because if i hadn't HAD to persevere to get here, i would have taken it for granted. i wouldn't have placed this in His hands, and i wouldn't have known what a difference this is from where i was before.

For me... with perseverance came the ability to tell of God's grace, and the understanding that i DO need ot draw my strength from Him, and i DO need to trust not only His provision, but also His TIMING.

I praise God not only for my newly aquired happiness, but also for the lessons learned through the hardships throughout this term, the knowing of amazing people who support me, and the deepening of my relationship with Him.

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