Monday, May 03, 2004

"Is it fair to say i was lured away? By endless distractions and lovelier attractions then
Or fairer still, my own free will is the better one to blame for this familiar mess I've made again" nn

is there such thing as a 'neccessary evil'?
is it so bad to take the 'easy way out' of things when you know that you can do better after situations are fixed?
sometimes it's like there's so much pressure and then you'd jsut rather do one little tiny wrong thing that will make things pressure free as well as clear the slate for the future. i know it's not exactly good... but is there a little space for something like this as a Christian?
good gawd. what kind of a person am i? ......... one that just needs things to be okay *now*.

hm.. so had lunch with kare, heid, and jo today and then went back to kare's place for a bit geetared and stuff it was really good :) haven't had time with this specific group for a while :) reminded me kind of of old times .... cept without my tantrums haha went over to waiki's 'bachelor pad' for a bit after that had some chocolate icecream :9 oh and borrowed his nichole nordeman cd wheee so i've been listening to it over and over for the whole night haha

oh! and i finally saw love actually on fri nite after praylude--- SO GOOD!!!!! *gush*

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