... what a contrast from the past week i've had in general... except for i think sunday was good... i was just getting so tired of not so good days.
but today was both pleasurable and productive!
- i finished volumes 1 AND 2 of my english novel!! woohooo! i think it's cuz i was with alison for the entire day, she motivates me to be productive :P
-in the afternoon, i actually SAW marilyn, chris, dev, and quyen! and had a few conversations :)
-and then at nite saw JACQUELINE!!! at dinner and also took pics of her trying on different purses hahaha..
-and thennnnnn went on grocery run with alison, bee, and eric :) ... the four of us never hang out anymore.. like this term, we have't actually done anything together. but tonight was a good reminder of the crazy laughs that being with these three bring. it's like this chorus of constant jestful bickering and interesting noises that leave my eyes teary and my stomach weak from laughter... i've missed it.
-after i got back to rev i got to hang out with laura and janna for a bit and just chat and eat cake :)
-and then i talked to gladys on the phone for the first time in a long while :)
so yeah. this was the BEST day. aside from the fact that i am SICK :( hehee
here's a few visuals from grocery run :P :

me, eric, alison, and bee *cheese*

eric and his men's DEPENDS hahaha...

the girls... freezing our butts off in the van!!! :P