Monday, January 17, 2005

welcome new week

WHY is it that the week has BARELY begun and ALREADY i feel like i've screwed up in some way???... actually this time, i dont' know waht i did wrong. not really anyways. nothing SO bad that yeah... okay. *breatheeee*

it's okay. calm.

the sermon at kwcac was really good today. "Be A High Impact Christian"... pretty cool. i like "applicable" sermons. well i guess they all are.. but ones that FOCUS more on application. as well, the powerpoint always does well to keep your focus. focus. one ofthe characteristics of a high impact person. ...

welps, i've finally made a few "resolutions".. i won't call them "new years" resolutions. but thye are more things i would like to see happen in myself.

1. stop biting my nails... (i think this one has been here for a while.... so.. a plea... DO NOT LET ME BITE MY NAILS.)
2. look for the best in people. no bashing (unless PERSONALLY offended... cough. i have to take it slowly :P)
3. try not to need reassurance from my friends of their care all the time. just let things be how they are. ... have a little more trust?
4. "My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. Your anger can never make things right in God's sight." James 1:19-20 ... be less sensitive... SIMMER DOWN.
5. PUT GOD FIRST. before i call whomever, talk to HIM. before i go off to go out or to do homework... spend time with HIM. in everything... to make Him my centre and my "one pure and holy passion"...
6. take some risks. i'm so afraid to do things sometimes cuz i'm afraid i'll get shot down. i wanna step up and do what i wanna do. who knows, i might learn osmething.
7. kick the self esteem up a notch or two... i'm thinking grade 10 - 11 level. :P... i dunno. i jsut find my self esteem and self assurance sinking lower and lower since i got to university. there's no real reason for that. i want it back.

sooooo... please pray for me and hold me accountable... thanks :)

AHHHHH ...praying for a better week than last. >.< hopefully that "bad start" was jsut some ... misunderstanding? ugh.

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