Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sometimes (rarely, but sometimes) games can be amusing.

Mafia-- is a serious thing. Perhaps unwise to play with a group in which a lot of the people are still "getting to know eachother"... and who don't know how to play the game. It can produce a great deal of tension as experienced at the 3rd yr girls sleepover.

Which was a pretty funny considering it's just a silly game. :P

Taboo is another good one. (A game that I actually like ALL the time!)

bee: what would you say for BLT?

However-- regular Taboo is just never going to be that fun to me anymore-- what's better? JEOPARDY taboo!! ... "WHAT IS BUNGEE JUMPING!!!!"

Jacqueline: It's... something you do on a mountain....
Jo: TIME!!
Alison: What was it?
Jacqueline: Bungee jumping!... can't you do that on a mountain?
Bee: ...... you mean... SUICIDE?
Alison: *rapidly flails arms* BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM!!!

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