Sunday, June 09, 2002

(today in your time and tommorow in mine :) )

hummm... nothing really happened today so i can't really think of anything to blog about. *sigh* why oh why is waterloo such a boring place?
i remember sam saying "wow... highschool in waterloo must be so boring! like, what do you even DO? what's the point of skipping class? to go watch the deer at waterloo park? O_o" LOL how true... how sad. :P but no no no there's other things to do in waterloo! yes there are. such as... uhhh.... welll it's not like we don't have a mall (cough cough) or a movie theater :P so yeah there's something to do when skipping class... not saying that i skip class...¬_¬ plus we have FRESH AIR. now how many people who don't live in loo can say they have nice are huh? HA :P [this is my pathetic attempt to think of something to blog about]

i have a thought. you know how in protestant churches there's lots and lots of denominations? such as alliance, baptist, presby, pentecostal, etc. well... i always had theidea in my head that they all believed the same thing just had differences in certain aspects of the procedure of services or administrative stuff right? well i was wondering.... like, i go to an alliance church and when we do Lord's Supper it's open to all proffessing and practicing Christians which does not neccessarily mean you have to be baptised... so some people who aren't baptised but are Christians take the Lord's Supper... but i went to a baptist church for my friend's baptism in tdot and well they made it so you have to be baptised in order to take the Lord's Supper. and that's ok and everything i was just curious as to why... i dont' really get it because like, you can for surely be a Christian without having been baptised right? and so is the Lord's Supper for only those baptised Christians to commemorate Christ or for all Christians? cuz certainly you can do it either way i'm just wondering.... i personally think it's better to have it that all Christians can take it.. it's just a personal opinion, not implying anything... but i think this because when you do it so that only baptised Christians can take it than doesn't that give off a false impression to others that only the people who are baptised are Christian? dunno

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