Monday, June 03, 2002

"So many feelings... emotions running away with me... "
i feel... confused... change is scary. you'd think i'd be used to it by now living in waterloo seeing people come and go so often... but i'm not. i'm as unused to it as i was ever since i learned to miss people. it's weird. missing people before they leave is strange. or maybe not even leave leave... like you know how you can miss someone because things are changing after over a decade of it being the same and not neccessarily have them leave.. perhaps they are just moving on to a different stage of their life that you know you won't be a part of. it's hard. i won't say who i'm talking about... but to *you*: [i love you more than you could possibly know... sisters and friends forever]

referring to lyd's *poll* on whether it's possible for a guy and a girl to be best friends and not have a romantic relationship... i think yeah it's totally possible!! explain tommorow

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