Thursday, October 24, 2002

enhance your vocabulary

most people are familiar with the term FOB [fresh off the boat]..... but how many people are familiar with the term FOP? hahaha well at the moment-- two :) according to my knowledge, Gen and I have started a legacy hahahahaha FOP is Fresh off the plane HAHAHA ... this is what genuine is. one of those misfits haha that cbc's think is a FOB and FOB's think is a cbc-- see the dilemna? by creating the new term FOP, we have de-misfitized the inbetweenies ^_^ secondly, i don't like banana's. but i get called a banana because i'm "yellow on the outside, white on the inside" but bananas are mushy and yucky . sooo... i should be better described as a TWINKIE ^_^ muahahaha twinkies are *sweet* and yummilicious unlike banana's :D yayayayay. everyone must be so enlightened by me and gen's intillect :P

i want modrobes.

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