Tuesday, October 08, 2002

in the libraryagain... i signed out of study today:) goingto getmyTBskintest done in like 20min...so i'm chilling herefor 20minwhile i wait for my mom. it'sthis computer again. ahk! why is it that everytime i come to the lib i get stuckwith thestupid computer with the messed up keyboard? hmph.

Miss Vickie's Roasted GarlicandHerb chipsare really good... just picked myself up some :9 yum yum.they are loaded with msg...but SOOO good. at least no wax unlike instant noodles ... unless u wash them like tm does. but idon't think very many people do. boy oh boy i want more. by the way, sheepie, that is hilarious! who wrote that? hahahahahaha i'm guessing caleb hahahahahaha so funny. iknow it wasn't me. i wrote "for God so loved the world that He gave his oneand only son thatwhosoever believesin him shall not perishbut have ever lasting life." bORing. well no. it's really not boring, it'sthe actual thing. but i then, didn't make up an interperative dance to go with it either =P

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