Friday, October 24, 2003

i'm having one of those mornings
in which my heart misses people so
writhingly. This is because i would like nothing more than to curl up on a big comfy sofa surrounded by you ande your love
and to cry.
and to have you tell me that it's all going to be okay.
plenty of fish in the sea.
don't worry.
or to take a walk in the rain
with a dog
or to sit inside a coffee shop and drown my sorrows with iced cappucinos
or it doesn't even have to be a coffee shop.
it coulgd be swiss chalet.
that's good too.
or maybe tcby. or in a room where we reminince on our past. past loves. bitter about how he has forgotten but delighted in his healing. "My heart may never mend
And you’ll never get to love me again" but "i will maeke it through the rain." hoorah! he'll make it through the rain... and for a moment everything else is forgotten save that joy.
or perhaps to dance in a mist of Ralph lightheaarted and lightheaded.
or stuff inhumanly large piecces of sushi into my mouth and laugh incontrollably.
but it's not the same without you.

but what i want more than anything else is not so extravagant as all that.
i just want a hug.
to be enveloped in safety and in love. so tight that my heart can't possibly fall to pieces
like it's doing slowly
i miss

*btw, the spelling errors are intentional.

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