Sunday, January 25, 2004

buiyee di nita and ivan did their auz presentation today and i fell in love with Nichole Nordeman's Legacy that was in their powerpoint... did i mention i dont' like nichole nordeman? :P but this is a really good song. really.

second last day of studying

met a guy named jason here at the library who i ended up sharing a group study room with which is great because it didn't seem like i was hogging a whole room and plus i could make noise and spread my stuff out more hehe :)yayyyy

going out to cambridge to have BT with tiff's fam and grandparents... eeee.... my mom wants me to say chinese new years blessings to them. erk. what if i say them wrong???? i can type out the phonetics better i think, although my grandma said i pronouced the stuff right haha aww i love my grandma.
i think for Suk Gung and Suk Poh i will select the following blessings:

-Gung hay fat choy (i refuse to spell it as "fat CHOI" because that can be taken as a crack about my weight :P)
-Sun tai geen hong

is two enough? i have little concept of these traditions as all my relatives live in hk and the only thing we do is call my grandma anyways... well, hopefully that will suffice :) i'm excited about pho! :9

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