hi...! i like tuesdays. (except that our "routine" was slightly changed today. *eye twitch* i don't like change!!! hahaha jk... i'm ok)
... just a sec--
change of character:
hiiiii i just wanted all of you to go and listen to this song.. date rape by sublime. now, don't be scared by the name.. it's actually a story.. beginning, middle, climax, falling drama, conclusion ANNNNNNNNNNNND there's a moral.. "the moral of the date rape story, it does not pay to be drunk and horny". so, i made jasmine listen to this song the other day, and at first, she was like "you're such a freak" BUT by the end of she was laughing at the song. (she recommends it too! although she will tell you otherwise). no, i'm really NOT this weird, just bored at the moment. l8r days. -- L.
the interview
[first of all i do NOT recommend the date rape song lol]
but yes, the interview. haha...what an experience!!!
at first, it was okAYYY... i gave him a FIRM handshake, using EYECONTACT hahahha... and then he asked me a bunch of questions that i felt prepared to answer ...
then, all of a sudden, he looks at me and is like "well, since this is an interactive job, it's also an interactive interview!" and proceeds to pull out this shiny green GIFT BAG and inside are a bunch of RANDOM things:
- an octagon shaped mat
- a plastic mountain
- three bouncy balls
- a furby
- a plastic kinderegg flower
- a toy solar powered car (i had to ask him what this was)
- and a pair of goggles.
so the guy is like "you get to pick who i am, child, adult, teenager, senior, anything and what i want you to do is create an interaction between us using these objects" ... seriously my heart started racing. *what am i supposed to do with all these random random objects?!??!* especially since i told him one of my strengths was "creativity" ... AGHHh... well this was definitely "creative", to say the least:
him: so who do you want me to be?
me: ... a five year old child.
him: okay, what should i do?
me: ... okAYYYY ... so! today, we're going to pretend that we're scientists! so here, put these goggles on!
him: [puts on the goggles hahahahhaa] wow! what are these things???
me: [i put the mountain on the mat]this is... MARS! [set out the furby, flower, and car] you get to pick whether you want to be the [point at furby] ALIEN, martian flower, or the solar powered car!!
him: wow! i wanna be the alien!
me: cool! i'll be the car... [look at the balls, i have NO idea what they should be *what's round? what's round????* THESE... are BOMBS!! you get to throw your bomb at my car, and i will throw my bomb at your alien and we'll see which one bounces higher!
after doing that, he ended the interaction *whew* and the rest of the interview went smoothly. so i leave, and i think to myself "BOMB??? what was i THINKKING??? that is so VIOLENT!!!!!" i started thinking of other things i could have done instead. i get outside and i realize, i forgot my PURSE int he interview room. >.< so i had to go BACk to get it. and while waiting outside (because someone else was being interviewed) i txted alison and called janna to FREAK OUT. hahha felt good to go crazy. hahah... luckily, the guy was so nice about eveyrthing and i even told him another idea i had for the toys as i was picking up the purse hahaha...
so, i probably won't get this job, but hey! what an experience! and he'll probably remmeber me! :P .. whee...
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