Sunday, June 05, 2005


home life is getting better. i'm adjusting and i do appreciate my family alot of the time. of course, it's weird thinking that i'll be living here for the next year but aside from the fact that its really far from everyone next year, home is okay.

my mom, haha, she is a worry wart but she does a lot of things for me without my asking... like the other week she cleaned my room for me while i was at campus challenge.. haha i think they just couldn't take it anymore but still, it was really nice... and i feel bad that i dont' tell her more that i appreciate the things that she does for me. i guess we often have personality clashes but i really appreciate the fact that she is always thinking of me. i think we're learnign from eachother... and that makes me smile.

my dad, well.. haha we usually get along because i am and always will be daddy's little girl haha... i'm a princess. i do really appreciate my dad becuase... i always feel like he really loves me. we get along him and i. we're similar. but his life was a lot more difficult than mine and i can always see the heart he puts into the things that he does. that's why any time anyone is mean to my father i cry haha. i cried last week becuase someone was joking aroudn about how joanna's dad's opinion was better than my dad's opinion or something. it was so idiotic but it pissed me off. haha. anyways. yeah. i like my father.

my sister... haha... i think its funny because my sister and i used to fight aLOT. well we still do.. but not as much. she's not bad sometimes.. haha she's in grade 7 now so she's more ... errr normal i guess. we can have conversations. skepticise at the women we think are hitting on our father hahahaha... she likes to tell me about stuff that's happening with the people at her school haha.. sometimes its kind of interesting to hear. she likes my friends. she's a hottie. haha she is! ... only, she needs to pluck her eyebrows. and also she needs to stop watching so much friggen american idol haha :P ..

anyways, my point? home is become more... home-ey. it's not PERFECT. dont' get me wrong. probably in about half an hour i will be fed up again, or something but i just wanted to write this down now. while i really am appreciating things. finally, better.

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