Thursday, June 30, 2005

my very first "stalker"

hahaha :P...
well.. sort of. so i was sitting at mikey's today msning on herman's laptop and suddenly this guy comes out of nowhere and puts this folded piece of paper on the table next to me and then leaves the restaurant. so i open the piece of paper up and on it are this guy's name, phone number, and msn hahahha ... omg i couldn't stop laughing haha...

anyways i was amused... creeped out... and slightly flattered :P... but yeah.. its' kind of creepy but doesnt' hold a finger to janna and her many stalkers during the year haha but janna's hot and i'm really not so this came as a shock haha

oh geez. haha tahnks to "sid" for some entertainment in my otherwise mundane life. :P

p.s. i'm loving the photo uploading from blogger. saves me so much time :D

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