Tuesday, June 07, 2005

the "ugh" list

. not being able to sleep
. not being able to sleep cuz it's so damn hot
. when you'd like nothing more than to walk away but you would never want that either.
. relapses
. university ave. is closed for construction. i'd forgotten about waterloo construction. how pointless it is and how much hassle it causes.
. don't talk to me early in the morning asking me a million questions. i will not answer.
. i don't have enough change for an icedcap, which i desperately need.

ugh. ughughughughghughgh. :P... just slightly annoyed.

edit (10:40)
: oh but it's a BEAUTIFUL day outside! :D ... haha sweet. and i managed to scrounge enough change to get a small iced cap... ANNDDDD haha.. i saw greyeyedsurferboy today in history... i dind't talk to him :P.,.. but he smiled at me as he left. lalala
haha... shut up i know my life is boring haha

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