Saturday, June 04, 2005


i can't think of any other word to describe my emotions at the moment.
and i recently made a committment to myself to try my best not to let my emotions control me... becuase i have seen what that can do to me... and it's not really pretty.

but right now its like... do you ever have all these things eating at you and they are just out of your control?.. and you just want to cry and yell and kick something and hug someone and punch someone and throw up and i dunno.. ALL AT THE SAME TIME???

ugh. i'm ok. really i'm okay but i'm just... frustrated i guess.

anyways, i came home and made myself some comfort food (KD!!!! wheee), curled up on my couch with it and watched some Golden Girls. :)

mmm doesn't kd just make everything sunny again? haha

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