Friday, May 31, 2002
my fingers are itching to blog... i have so much to talk about today... btw, in reference to my previous entry it was directed only to one person and prolly the person doesn't even read my blog. meh.
yesterday we had a double dragonboat practice!!! :P my back is really sore today from all the twisting and pulling and bending etc. ... it was pretty fun but the stupid guy beside me still won't talk to me... i was really hyper on the bus and i heard the guy talking to my friend franklin adn he was actually saying a LOT and so i turn around and i'm like "WOW you're talking!!" O_O and the guy looks at me and i'm like "you never ever talk to me! and now your'e talking so much to him!" and i think i freaked him out a little but ya out on the boat and before he still wouldn't talk to me and me and linda and erik were just laughing so hard because yeah. but seriously this guy has some issues. i mean, i owuldn't exactly call him attractive. he is tall and kind of dirty looking (stubble on his face and zits that are like pussing PUSSING-- don't you hate puss?? *shiver* *gag*) but it's not because of his looks. it's the fact that he doesn't talk to me and auuuurrrrggghghhhhh it makes it sooo boring.
after DB i stopped by eumie's for a bit so we got to chat for a short while and went to do laundry and stuff haha... i also saw vonne and freddie :) *cute* it was so funny cuz freddie's like "so vonne... when you're fixing a computer remember to always ground yourself otherwise.." and i thought he was gonna say "you might electricute yourself" but he's like "ruin the card with your static electricity" HAHAHA they are soooo cute tho :)
i finally got over the guy i used to like =) hooray! but i find myself empty... searching for the right infatuation hahahahaha ... actually yeah. life is hardly as interesting without a guy to obsess over. that might sound really shallow and blah. no that is not my purpose in life but hey, a girl's gotta have some fun :)
mr. anal was being extra difficult today. he has a tendancy to NEED to be right all the time. it's as if... well if he wasn't right he would just die or something. at least that's how he makes it seem. jo dora kat and i are planning our post highschool grad trip and we had this list of possible places one of which was india ... i forget the name of the city (the place with the taj mahal) and he was like yelling and screaming at us because we wouldn't agree with him that we wouldn't like india! O_o his reasoning was that there isn't extreme shopping there. and that it was expensive (which it isn't) and that there were a billion people there O_o ya okaaaaaay... ¬_¬ when he said "one billion" he took his thumb and his index finger and opened and shut them together repeatedly with each syllable. me and dora were laughing so incontrollably by the end of the conversation it was crazy. it was funny tho cuz we were all kinda ganging up on him ... not really GANGING up but like not really on "his side" and in the car i was playing with heidi's hair and he looks at me and is like "why aaaa yooo playing wif her haiiiiaaa???" and i'm like "what?! it's not YOUR hair" and heidi in her subtle little way said "you wouldn't want to touch his hair" HAHA it took us a moment to process and laugh our asses off cuz well if you know heidi .. seldom do youhear her say something mean and it was great! (i think i mentioned how he had giant dandruff) and also, he was also saying all whole bunch of stuffthat had nothing to do with anything in order to prove that india sucks or something and the way he tried to prove he was right about all this stuff was by repeatedly slamming his hand on the table and yelling "I READ EET EEN DEE ENCLOCYPEDIAAAAAA!!!!" O_o did i mention he spends countless ammounts of time in the bathroom reading encyclopedia's while he's taking a crap? yeah. he reads about reproductive systems and female organs. how do i know? cuz he was talking about some female stuff and whatever and i was like "how would you even know?" and he's like "i know! you fink i don't know??!?!?!?!?!?! i read about it een dee enclocypediaaa!" eww. yah. anyhoo, i will stop grossing everyone out with tales of mr. anal. :P
time for sleep... i have a DB race tommorow morning ... gotta wake up at 6:00 am O_O
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
Sunday, May 26, 2002
FOOTBALL :) yay! i like football... cept that i seem to get injured really easily during it. :P
so anyhoo, at 2 me and jo headed off to the mc field (i think that's the field) actually we got there at like 2:15 and we were the first ones there (surprise, surprise :P haha people and their chinese time) so anyhoo, soon (if you call forty five minutes later soon) everyone finally got there -- by everyone i mean me jo(anna) anna nate jiffy anita josiah karen janey kevin andrew minima mike and patty came later.. so it was pretty much fine for the first twenty minutes then stupid me when minima had the ball and mike was about to tackle him just happened to stand right behind him... i don't know how i thought that would help :P but anyhoo, mike fell backwards while tackling andrew and kinda fell on top of my knee and it like bent the wrong way and now it reallllly hurts ... i basically sat out for the rest of the whole thing thanks to my own stupidity :P but luckily i had janey to keep me company since she wasn't playing... it was cool to talk to her cuz she's a really cool cool person... really mature. but i wish i could have talked to her without getting hurt because i can't really walk properly now :P but twas fun anyhoo :) i dont' care about me getting hurt football is the best sport :)
played an interesting game of bball tonite with pastor tim, jo, heidi, esther, victoria, karen, and wall :) twas fun :) after we had some freezies and sandwiches that were left over from the golden year's fellowship :) hahahaha mmmmm butter sandwich rite victoria? :) in the car on the way back jo and i were discussing my "childhood" (actually it didn't start dying down until the end of grade 7 beginning of grade 8) obsession with xena warrior princess HAHAHA if any of you reading have known me that long... you know i used to be extremely obsessed with xena... i tried to immitate her war cry and speak her words at every opportunity, i have magazines and books about her, i have posters and calenders and doorknob hangers, and collectable cards, and i made it my goal to know everything about xena and never miss an episode. i also taped the animated movie. :P if you asked me today i could prolly still spew out a lot of xenaformation ... there was this one episode called "Bittersuite" which was a musical hahahaha and jo and i had allllll the words memorized to like all the songs in it... we used to sing them and i would always be xena and she'd always be gabrielle ... so tonite in the car we were laughing sooo hard singing these songs again (out of tune tho) and saying blablabla for the parts where we forgot the words... i think heidi and esther were kinda getting a little freaked out :P oh my *heck* (doesn't that annoy you? for some reason... even tho i only watched the last few episodes of survivor i occasionally unwillingly and unconciously say oh my heck now!!! aaahH!H!! the power of media)that was a great show!!!
dora got a kitty dora got a kitty!!!!!! :D :D :D after school on friday me and jo went over to dora's to see her new cat-- Raiju. she's sooooo pretty and gorgeous and *metalic grey* heehee ... she's such a sweet cat she's totally not a prick at all like a lot of cats are :) :) we were taking sticker pics with her :)
well anyhoo, i gots to go ... i hafta WALK to church tommorow O_O but ohwellies... bonding time for me and jo i guess :) btw, congrats to ange for getting a blog finally YAY! :D nite
Monday, May 20, 2002
welcome back. if you read the last post b4 10:35pm on monday may 20th 2002, read it again cuz it wasn't a finished post kay?
just got home a bit ago... had a nice hot bath and feel very very refreshed...
went to patty's today for supper :9 yummie thanks pattycakes! :) uhhh jo and jiffy were there and we had this yummie chicken stuff and this eggie stuff that jiffy made which was good cept i dont' like tomatoes but neither does he so dats ok :D patty has the cutest room ever!! and a nice picture of a certain someone on her wall ^_~ heeheeheeee so yeah after supper we were off to fed hall for embassy :) yay! ... but THEN... when we got there... patty accidentally locked her keys in the car and she ended up walking all the way back home to get the spare key :P she wouldn't let us come with her... so jiffy, jo, and i went inside... the worship was really good!! there was this one song that they sang that i really liked but now i can't remember the title... something about giving Him this moment or something like that ... the msg was really good too... about setting your priorities straight... and basically how we really need to make God our number one priority in our life and just to schedule our priorities and set aside a specific time for God everyday... he said something that really stuck in my mind.. "There was this man who declared his day a complete waste if he didn't spend at least seven or eight hours praying... ... but how many of us would feel our day was a waste if we didn't spend at least seven to eight minutes a day praying?" and that just made me think so much of how i really need to get my spiritual life back on track... i often wonder "omg why do i feel like i'm drifting from God and blablabla" but obviously, if i don't even spend like 10 min a day just with the Lord how can my spiritual journey be moving anywhere??? so i decided i'm gonna wake up early every morning and do devos and pray and stuff ... i think it's something i really need to do NOW. not later but NOW.
after embassy we went to timeless and got some bbt :D yummmmmiiieeeee we were playing jenga too... and also i discovered that me and jiffy have really similar taste buds.. 1st we don't eat tomatoes, we don't eat papaya and we don't eat taro! yay! someone else who has some sense :) anyhoo, i should go to sleep soon i think so i can get up early tommorow... SCHOOOL :P NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! but i get to leave early tommorw :) we have an on water practice at guelph lake for db!! so... i'm out! nite
Sunday, May 19, 2002
and now--- we return to the greatest day time soap in history--
Days of Jasmine's Life!
HA riight. :P although sometimes i do make my life sound like a soap opera :P

bunch of us at 30hr eating freezies!! :D that pic started out as being me wallace and dora and somehow everyone came in :) but dats cool :)
so here's my 30 hr. experience of this year for ya:
hunger. i was surprised at my lack of it this year-- ok well relative lack of it. i was hungry alright... more on the first day though when people (specifically andrew :P) were tempting me by describing various food items and inhaling their slurpies in front of me :P not that i can complain because at least i didn't have to walk through the eaton centre food court right tobyman? :P i don't think i was really very hungry on the second day until right before we were gonna eat.. but i was still hungry just not like "i'm gonna die" hungry.on the friday after lunch i bought myself a slurpie and drank it until 12 but since there was still half of it left i ended up giving the rest to nahayat and ellie :P (not like they don[t usually drink half my slurpies anyways) i made it through school ok without being hungry but when i got home it was insane... you see, normally, i have a nice big snack when i get home but no not that day and also, i had daniel and kadin and irina to fix food for... i gave them a can of pringles which they finished and promptly claimed they were still hungry (my ASS you're hungry! i'm the one who's hungry!! :P) anyhoo, they ended up fixing themselves some buttered popcorn as i ran in to my room to hide myself from the smell but it didn't help the scent of the popcorn drifted into my room teasing my stomach insanely.
At around 6:30 i rushed out the door and jumped into heidi's car as we headed to dora's where we vegged for an hour... joanna was playing on dora's keyboard... she started playing "Castle on a Cloud" from Les Mis and i promptly started singing it out of tune with a british accent and dora was like "omg! i always sing it with a british accent too!!" and we were singing it and laughing and that's how the les mis high came about for those two days... also, dora's cell rings with the song "Do you hear the people Sing?" from les mis too... that is just too cool of a musical!! cosette sucks eponine rules!! i don't know why but i guess not eating makes us really hyper cuz we were singing so loud in the car and talking about how we should take a road trip umm we got to the church at around eight and me and dora were crazilly searching for a radio which didn't work in the end :P when everyone (jo, dora, kat, heidi, wallace, esther, victoria, alex, and i) were finally there we decided to go outside and play football with dora's nerf football... we were actually going out to learn to play rugby from dora but since everyone joined us we started a game of tackle football-- me dora jo kat esther and victoria against wallace and ALEX. now, those of you who know alex know that he is *slightly* larger than all of us. it just so happens that he had the ball and was running for our endzone. i ran to tackle him and tried to knock him down... heh no such luck. instead, he ended up bouncing me off his body like a bouncy ball or something... i was sent flying through the air and landed on my face(literally) in the grass :P ow. but i wasn't hurt or anything so yeah. but it was so impossible for us to win because we were all so afraid to get near him! tim and heidi announced to us that they were leaving to pick up the 5 ccf ppl who actually stayed in waterloo HA HA who were toby, buffy(becky), alexis, andrew wong, and waiki :) when they got to the church everyone headed over to the bilingual school to play bball… interesting things that happened were: a basketball bounced right on top of alex’s head HAHAHA it was SO FUNNY he wasn’t hurt or anything no worries but omg it was funny I wish I’d gotten a pic of it! (I was taking pics with waiki’s camera), also, while I was fidgeting with the camera I noticed that tobes was rolling around on the floor and thought to myself wow that’s hilarious why’s he being so weird? And so I took a picture of it. Then everyone like ran over to him and was like “omg toby are you ok?” turns out he sprained his ankle while running and that’s why he fell on the floor and stuff hahaha stoopid me takes a picture of it. but it was pretty funny :) after that everyone vegged around for a while .. alexis, buffy, and andrew went and got slurpies :P and it was very torturous watching them drink them :P at like one something everyone piled on to the military bus (kwcac bus) and we drove to the bus terminal to pick up clara hahahahaha this was pastor tim's cruel idea... but it was funny :P after we dropped clara toby andrew alexis waiki and buffy off, we drove back to the church and fell into deep slumber. saturday we pretty much just chillaxed the whole entire day away :) watched this chinese movie called the wishing tree and painted and got REALLY annoyed with mr. anal trying to force me into saying i want to go to hk i don't know why! but then when i was like "no! i don't want to ok? i dont' wanna go to some place just because you say or whatever" he was calling me racist and stuff and ARGH. and toby wasn't even there to kick his butt :P hmph. but yeah ... we made dinner too -- shepherd's pie :D and potatoes and pudding(chocolate, vanilla, and banana) and we had strawberry shortcake icecream :D ... sooooo stuffed! we were saying b4 about how we could eat so much more... but we ended up having like one and a half shepherd pies left for sunday morning "breakfast" -- we share? :P
it was good seeing clara this wkend... i missed her a lot lot :P so yay :) also... the animal that i carry around with me everywhere is a COW. C-O-W spells COW!!!!!!!!!! not pig not hippo COW. ok? ok :D good. also, yes it is a MALE cow. and yes there is such a thing. and no he isn't feminine :P thankyou :)
i made it! i made it out alive!!! heehee.. outta the 30hr Famine alive i mean :D tres fun! ... i'll blog about it tommorow.. it's getting kinda late and i don't wanna challenge a long entry.....
i am a walking contradiction :P oxy MORON. have you ever had one of those relationships where you like someone so much (not even necessarily in a romantic way) and at the same time you just are soooo aggreviated with them and are so angry at them and dislike them to such a great ammount? and you just can't make up your mind as to how you ACTUALLY feel? ... well it's happening to me. in several cases and it's annoying let me tell ya :P i so wish i could just sort out the way i feel like... just know very precisely what my opinions/feelings are so that i can react in the way that they direct me to do.... instead of not knowing how to act ... should i act cold or warm, smile or frown... i dunno. i guess i shoudl always be nice no matter what... but i don't wanna piut yp a false front either... right now... i'm just gonna try to figure this out. thot i'd blog about it to get it out of my system...
we were on a Les Miserables high yesterday and today... Eponine is the BEST character!!!!!
"and now i'm all alone again no where to go no one to turn to... without a home, without a friend, without a face to say hello to... and now the night is near and i can make believe he's here...." gonna go make believe a certain someon is here ;) nite
i am a walking contradiction :P oxy MORON. have you ever had one of those relationships where you like someone so much (not even necessarily in a romantic way) and at the same time you just are soooo aggreviated with them and are so angry at them and dislike them to such a great ammount? and you just can't make up your mind as to how you ACTUALLY feel? ... well it's happening to me. in several cases and it's annoying let me tell ya :P i so wish i could just sort out the way i feel like... just know very precisely what my opinions/feelings are so that i can react in the way that they direct me to do.... instead of not knowing how to act ... should i act cold or warm, smile or frown... i dunno. i guess i shoudl always be nice no matter what... but i don't wanna piut yp a false front either... right now... i'm just gonna try to figure this out. thot i'd blog about it to get it out of my system...
we were on a Les Miserables high yesterday and today... Eponine is the BEST character!!!!!
"and now i'm all alone again no where to go no one to turn to... without a home, without a friend, without a face to say hello to... and now the night is near and i can make believe he's here...." gonna go make believe a certain someon is here ;) nite
Sunday, May 12, 2002
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! ^_~ @--}-----
went out for mother's day dinner at Crystal Palace with the YAFellowship (my parent's fellowship) and guess who we ran in to..... lyds and dorcas and nate and their family! yay! haven't seen them in a long time... well i saw dorcas at tc for like two seconds but yeah it was cool ... we just went to the same restaurant by total coincidence ... although, there arent' that many chinese restaurants in waterloo to choose from :P :) pastor yung looks exactly the same. O_O like he never changed over five years ... ha ha he's funny :D
so i wore my glasses out in public for the first time today :P and well... i am really annoyed. especially at mr. anal who repeatedly stressed "how much better you look in glasses!" just because he wants me to wear glasses... it was so insincere! he always does things like that... i mean what's his obsession with getting me to do things?! like he always tries to pursuade me that i want to live in hk when i don't! like argh. but i was so annoyed when he was going on and on aboutthe glasses just because he is obsessed with me wanting to wear glasses. i can tell he was insincere by the smirk he had on his face and the constant glances he was giving to heidi (way to be obvious :P) but i guess it's not only him. a lot of people seem to be making a HUGE deal out of it... and some of them have been bugging me to wear glasses... i don[t know if they are actually sincere or not... so i decided ... to ask the blog community! ^_^ so do my poll please! i want sincere feedback as i may get contacts soon ... or go vote! :) thanks a million! :)
went out for mother's day dinner at Crystal Palace with the YAFellowship (my parent's fellowship) and guess who we ran in to..... lyds and dorcas and nate and their family! yay! haven't seen them in a long time... well i saw dorcas at tc for like two seconds but yeah it was cool ... we just went to the same restaurant by total coincidence ... although, there arent' that many chinese restaurants in waterloo to choose from :P :) pastor yung looks exactly the same. O_O like he never changed over five years ... ha ha he's funny :D
so i wore my glasses out in public for the first time today :P and well... i am really annoyed. especially at mr. anal who repeatedly stressed "how much better you look in glasses!" just because he wants me to wear glasses... it was so insincere! he always does things like that... i mean what's his obsession with getting me to do things?! like he always tries to pursuade me that i want to live in hk when i don't! like argh. but i was so annoyed when he was going on and on aboutthe glasses just because he is obsessed with me wanting to wear glasses. i can tell he was insincere by the smirk he had on his face and the constant glances he was giving to heidi (way to be obvious :P) but i guess it's not only him. a lot of people seem to be making a HUGE deal out of it... and some of them have been bugging me to wear glasses... i don[t know if they are actually sincere or not... so i decided ... to ask the blog community! ^_^ so do my poll please! i want sincere feedback as i may get contacts soon ... or go vote! :) thanks a million! :)
Saturday, May 11, 2002
went to toronto with my family today :) ...
we had dim sum with my uncle who was here from hk on a business trip... it was cool seeing him and of course cool getting presents :D although unlike my brat sister i was not i going insane at the anticipation of presents in FRONT of my uncle and opening them in front of him either :P but i did end up opening them after he left. i got this really *cute* pitbull stuffed doggie that has a humungous nose :) and two t-shirts- a roxy one that's white and has red and blue sparkly letters all over it and it says Roxy and "surf smiling" and "the heart of surfing".. it's really cute .. and i also got another tshirt that's Ralph Lauren and it's striped blue and light blue and has a loose turtleneck thingy will lil draw strings ... i can't explain it well btu it's also really cute :)
went to markham to pick up my new glasses... they're purple and are *uniquely* shaped... it's kinda like a bowtie type thingy... uhhh... each frame is sorta like a rounded rectangle but smooshed on the side closest to the middle of the glasses... if you know what i mean... if not...too bad :P come see me. the sales people are SO annoying. the woman who was there last time was there again still saying "yeeeaaaaah and coooooo!" for no apparent reason and the man ARGHHHHHH!!!! he called me "leuy leuy" about fifty gazillion times! i had to keep myself from yelling at him... my parents were laughing so hard after :P but oh boy the nerve of that guy geez. we ran into uncle aleck, auntie amelia, and auntie rebecca there which was cool to see auntie rebecca :)
but yeah... nothing much else to write about... my glasses are making me dizzy. write later.
we had dim sum with my uncle who was here from hk on a business trip... it was cool seeing him and of course cool getting presents :D although unlike my brat sister i was not i going insane at the anticipation of presents in FRONT of my uncle and opening them in front of him either :P but i did end up opening them after he left. i got this really *cute* pitbull stuffed doggie that has a humungous nose :) and two t-shirts- a roxy one that's white and has red and blue sparkly letters all over it and it says Roxy and "surf smiling" and "the heart of surfing".. it's really cute .. and i also got another tshirt that's Ralph Lauren and it's striped blue and light blue and has a loose turtleneck thingy will lil draw strings ... i can't explain it well btu it's also really cute :)
went to markham to pick up my new glasses... they're purple and are *uniquely* shaped... it's kinda like a bowtie type thingy... uhhh... each frame is sorta like a rounded rectangle but smooshed on the side closest to the middle of the glasses... if you know what i mean... if not...too bad :P come see me. the sales people are SO annoying. the woman who was there last time was there again still saying "yeeeaaaaah and coooooo!" for no apparent reason and the man ARGHHHHHH!!!! he called me "leuy leuy" about fifty gazillion times! i had to keep myself from yelling at him... my parents were laughing so hard after :P but oh boy the nerve of that guy geez. we ran into uncle aleck, auntie amelia, and auntie rebecca there which was cool to see auntie rebecca :)
but yeah... nothing much else to write about... my glasses are making me dizzy. write later.
Thursday, May 09, 2002
i really think it should start getting warm again! ... today was dreary, cold, and rainy. a generally blah day. nothing much really happened.... we got our positions on the boat for dragonboat today... i'm towards the back end of the boat sitting beside this guy josh who no offense but is not fun at all. he sits there with his mouth hanging open and a duhhhhh type of expression on his face that gives off the look that he is mentally challenged or something but he's not. O_o he doesn't talk either *sigh* why me? :( heidi and jo are sitting together. :P
argh. i wish people would quit bossing me around. like seriously. i don't need any crap from people. i am my own person, and i'll do what i please. not that i am totally not open to opinions and suggestions... just... oh my gosh. like, when i'm going on about something you would think that people know me well enough to just let me rant and get it out of my system! i know that many times the things i say are not neccesarily rational and/ logical or mature but i don't always mean what i say when i say them in outbursts of frustration or whatever. when people suddenly point out that my thoughts are wrong or whatever it doesn't help. i don't really give a crap whether they are wrong or right at that point in time which is why i would be ranting about the stuff in an uncontrolled manner... i don't even mean half the things i say... i just need to... let it out. wow... this blog thing is really good for me. by the way... if youve been reading this and find certain thoughts of mine that you find "wrong" or "illogical" just note that although the things i write in here are what i really feel, this is still like my place to rant and rave so my random outbursts of anger and "hatred" might be just spur of the moment feelings so if you're offended by something... try not to take it too seriously. On the other hand, i'm not trying to hide behind some mask of fake perfection and *this is me* take it or leave it :)
argh. i wish people would quit bossing me around. like seriously. i don't need any crap from people. i am my own person, and i'll do what i please. not that i am totally not open to opinions and suggestions... just... oh my gosh. like, when i'm going on about something you would think that people know me well enough to just let me rant and get it out of my system! i know that many times the things i say are not neccesarily rational and/ logical or mature but i don't always mean what i say when i say them in outbursts of frustration or whatever. when people suddenly point out that my thoughts are wrong or whatever it doesn't help. i don't really give a crap whether they are wrong or right at that point in time which is why i would be ranting about the stuff in an uncontrolled manner... i don't even mean half the things i say... i just need to... let it out. wow... this blog thing is really good for me. by the way... if youve been reading this and find certain thoughts of mine that you find "wrong" or "illogical" just note that although the things i write in here are what i really feel, this is still like my place to rant and rave so my random outbursts of anger and "hatred" might be just spur of the moment feelings so if you're offended by something... try not to take it too seriously. On the other hand, i'm not trying to hide behind some mask of fake perfection and *this is me* take it or leave it :)
Tuesday, May 07, 2002
boy oh boy so much to spaz about and so little time :P
i was reading lydia's entry about friends coming in seasons and YEAH! i am so agreeing! the coming and going really sucks. people leaving means change even if they don't feel like admitting it.. i mean, change in friendships. it's always for the worst... like, how can it not be? leaving=not seeing=not talking=forgetting=we're friends? =P of course this happens over a period of time.. not like the next day after people leave... but it happens, trust me i should know. same thing every year. over and over and over. and sometimes i just wanna scream!!!! like right now! i was talking to TM and he might be going to Singapore! ok. what IS it lately with people and foreign countries?! Japan, Singapore, China, Rome.. yeah. ok. i can deal with people leaving to go to TO or whatever. but like seriously, everyone is going so far.... far away =*( *sigh* i shouldn't be like this. but seriously, i really feel like quitting trying to be all happy for people... cuz i am but i miss people so much... it just... makes me want to turn that part of me off. turn off... feelings or whatever. gosh this is stupid.
a person with a big head and a really loud voice (let's call him mr. anal) was being very annoying today. wait... he's annoying everyday! .. apparently there's something wrong with me saying the words sex, bra, and pee. PEE O_o (quasimodo heehee i laff everytime i c that face now) like it's such a big deal if i say "i gotta pee" instead of "i have to go to the washroom" notice the difference in lengths of those two phrases. geez. yeah... and all i said about the bra was "i have to zip up my bra" an di was saying it to myself QUIETLY but he had to make a big deal out of it and scream and have a fit... also, in ss on sunday when we were discussing wut topics we were going to discuss, someone brought up relationships and he was like "NOT S-E-X" he wouldn't even SAY THE WORD!!! O_O omgomgomgomgomgomg *inhale *exhale* his constant commenting on everything i say or do is what drives me to do things such as yell penis when i get into the car just to annoy him. and for the record, when i said that, he told me that he could sue me for verbal harrassment O_o you can NOT sue someone for saying penis! he wasn't even joking! AH he drives me insane! i am contemplating new ways to annoy mr. anal... meanwhile think of me as i will be sitting in the back seat of a green honda dodging mr. anal's GIANT dandruff and trying to contain myself from strangling him with my bare hands.
i was reading lydia's entry about friends coming in seasons and YEAH! i am so agreeing! the coming and going really sucks. people leaving means change even if they don't feel like admitting it.. i mean, change in friendships. it's always for the worst... like, how can it not be? leaving=not seeing=not talking=forgetting=we're friends? =P of course this happens over a period of time.. not like the next day after people leave... but it happens, trust me i should know. same thing every year. over and over and over. and sometimes i just wanna scream!!!! like right now! i was talking to TM and he might be going to Singapore! ok. what IS it lately with people and foreign countries?! Japan, Singapore, China, Rome.. yeah. ok. i can deal with people leaving to go to TO or whatever. but like seriously, everyone is going so far.... far away =*( *sigh* i shouldn't be like this. but seriously, i really feel like quitting trying to be all happy for people... cuz i am but i miss people so much... it just... makes me want to turn that part of me off. turn off... feelings or whatever. gosh this is stupid.
a person with a big head and a really loud voice (let's call him mr. anal) was being very annoying today. wait... he's annoying everyday! .. apparently there's something wrong with me saying the words sex, bra, and pee. PEE O_o (quasimodo heehee i laff everytime i c that face now) like it's such a big deal if i say "i gotta pee" instead of "i have to go to the washroom" notice the difference in lengths of those two phrases. geez. yeah... and all i said about the bra was "i have to zip up my bra" an di was saying it to myself QUIETLY but he had to make a big deal out of it and scream and have a fit... also, in ss on sunday when we were discussing wut topics we were going to discuss, someone brought up relationships and he was like "NOT S-E-X" he wouldn't even SAY THE WORD!!! O_O omgomgomgomgomgomg *inhale *exhale* his constant commenting on everything i say or do is what drives me to do things such as yell penis when i get into the car just to annoy him. and for the record, when i said that, he told me that he could sue me for verbal harrassment O_o you can NOT sue someone for saying penis! he wasn't even joking! AH he drives me insane! i am contemplating new ways to annoy mr. anal... meanwhile think of me as i will be sitting in the back seat of a green honda dodging mr. anal's GIANT dandruff and trying to contain myself from strangling him with my bare hands.
Sunday, May 05, 2002
The sun filters through the blinds into my room splashing sunlight over me as sit perched in my twirly computer chair trying to contemplate the events of the day... my thoughts for the day... it's really peaceful in here right now... i'm alone with my thoughts surrounded by sunlight and mandy moore's Only Hope.
sunday =) i love sundays... always have... before, i used to get up on sunday mornings and not be able to stop smiling. like seriously i had this big grin on my face for like no reason except the fact that i like sundays. i still like sundays but i'm luckily able to contain my facial expression of this happiness =P this morning Helen Lee ( a missionary in guatemala) spoke at our service. i'd heard her speak before because she spoke at jmc last summer-- ironically, she gave the exact same message. HA HA =D but i'm actually really glad she did cuz i think i really needed to hear it again. She spoke about reconciliation-- how we are reconciled with our Heavenly Father through Christ and we in turn should be reconciled with others around us -- forgive and forget as the Lord did for us. She said "we need to be dead. when someone pricks a dead man with a pin will he move? no." in the same way, we shouldn't react to every little trespass that others commit against us, but instead, act in love just like God did. =) well... i for sure sure need help in this department considering ... well, i'm kinda very "seew hay" (little air literally) or short tempered. i guess i tend to think more about what others have done to wrong me and not what they've done to help me. definitely need to work on that. =P (going off topic-- Caleb, the son of Helen and Joseph Lee is very very hot. i saw him at jmc ^_^ and no. the point of my going to jmc was NOT to meet guys but hey, if there are hotties there i can't help that now can i? =P)
sunday =) i love sundays... always have... before, i used to get up on sunday mornings and not be able to stop smiling. like seriously i had this big grin on my face for like no reason except the fact that i like sundays. i still like sundays but i'm luckily able to contain my facial expression of this happiness =P this morning Helen Lee ( a missionary in guatemala) spoke at our service. i'd heard her speak before because she spoke at jmc last summer-- ironically, she gave the exact same message. HA HA =D but i'm actually really glad she did cuz i think i really needed to hear it again. She spoke about reconciliation-- how we are reconciled with our Heavenly Father through Christ and we in turn should be reconciled with others around us -- forgive and forget as the Lord did for us. She said "we need to be dead. when someone pricks a dead man with a pin will he move? no." in the same way, we shouldn't react to every little trespass that others commit against us, but instead, act in love just like God did. =) well... i for sure sure need help in this department considering ... well, i'm kinda very "seew hay" (little air literally) or short tempered. i guess i tend to think more about what others have done to wrong me and not what they've done to help me. definitely need to work on that. =P (going off topic-- Caleb, the son of Helen and Joseph Lee is very very hot. i saw him at jmc ^_^ and no. the point of my going to jmc was NOT to meet guys but hey, if there are hotties there i can't help that now can i? =P)
Wednesday, May 01, 2002
everything about that one friend that i was mad at in the previous entry is over. i take all of it back and express my deepest apologies to that person who is one of the greatest friends i have ever had. i;'m really sorry.
*sigh* i'm such a drama queen.
i'm trying to arrange pictures in my rooom... any ideas?
*sigh* i'm such a drama queen.
i'm trying to arrange pictures in my rooom... any ideas?
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