Sunday, May 05, 2002

The sun filters through the blinds into my room splashing sunlight over me as sit perched in my twirly computer chair trying to contemplate the events of the day... my thoughts for the day... it's really peaceful in here right now... i'm alone with my thoughts surrounded by sunlight and mandy moore's Only Hope.

sunday =) i love sundays... always have... before, i used to get up on sunday mornings and not be able to stop smiling. like seriously i had this big grin on my face for like no reason except the fact that i like sundays. i still like sundays but i'm luckily able to contain my facial expression of this happiness =P this morning Helen Lee ( a missionary in guatemala) spoke at our service. i'd heard her speak before because she spoke at jmc last summer-- ironically, she gave the exact same message. HA HA =D but i'm actually really glad she did cuz i think i really needed to hear it again. She spoke about reconciliation-- how we are reconciled with our Heavenly Father through Christ and we in turn should be reconciled with others around us -- forgive and forget as the Lord did for us. She said "we need to be dead. when someone pricks a dead man with a pin will he move? no." in the same way, we shouldn't react to every little trespass that others commit against us, but instead, act in love just like God did. =) well... i for sure sure need help in this department considering ... well, i'm kinda very "seew hay" (little air literally) or short tempered. i guess i tend to think more about what others have done to wrong me and not what they've done to help me. definitely need to work on that. =P (going off topic-- Caleb, the son of Helen and Joseph Lee is very very hot. i saw him at jmc ^_^ and no. the point of my going to jmc was NOT to meet guys but hey, if there are hotties there i can't help that now can i? =P)

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