Friday, May 31, 2002


my fingers are itching to blog... i have so much to talk about today... btw, in reference to my previous entry it was directed only to one person and prolly the person doesn't even read my blog. meh.
yesterday we had a double dragonboat practice!!! :P my back is really sore today from all the twisting and pulling and bending etc. ... it was pretty fun but the stupid guy beside me still won't talk to me... i was really hyper on the bus and i heard the guy talking to my friend franklin adn he was actually saying a LOT and so i turn around and i'm like "WOW you're talking!!" O_O and the guy looks at me and i'm like "you never ever talk to me! and now your'e talking so much to him!" and i think i freaked him out a little but ya out on the boat and before he still wouldn't talk to me and me and linda and erik were just laughing so hard because yeah. but seriously this guy has some issues. i mean, i owuldn't exactly call him attractive. he is tall and kind of dirty looking (stubble on his face and zits that are like pussing PUSSING-- don't you hate puss?? *shiver* *gag*) but it's not because of his looks. it's the fact that he doesn't talk to me and auuuurrrrggghghhhhh it makes it sooo boring.

after DB i stopped by eumie's for a bit so we got to chat for a short while and went to do laundry and stuff haha... i also saw vonne and freddie :) *cute* it was so funny cuz freddie's like "so vonne... when you're fixing a computer remember to always ground yourself otherwise.." and i thought he was gonna say "you might electricute yourself" but he's like "ruin the card with your static electricity" HAHAHA they are soooo cute tho :)

i finally got over the guy i used to like =) hooray! but i find myself empty... searching for the right infatuation hahahahaha ... actually yeah. life is hardly as interesting without a guy to obsess over. that might sound really shallow and blah. no that is not my purpose in life but hey, a girl's gotta have some fun :)

mr. anal was being extra difficult today. he has a tendancy to NEED to be right all the time. it's as if... well if he wasn't right he would just die or something. at least that's how he makes it seem. jo dora kat and i are planning our post highschool grad trip and we had this list of possible places one of which was india ... i forget the name of the city (the place with the taj mahal) and he was like yelling and screaming at us because we wouldn't agree with him that we wouldn't like india! O_o his reasoning was that there isn't extreme shopping there. and that it was expensive (which it isn't) and that there were a billion people there O_o ya okaaaaaay... ¬_¬ when he said "one billion" he took his thumb and his index finger and opened and shut them together repeatedly with each syllable. me and dora were laughing so incontrollably by the end of the conversation it was crazy. it was funny tho cuz we were all kinda ganging up on him ... not really GANGING up but like not really on "his side" and in the car i was playing with heidi's hair and he looks at me and is like "why aaaa yooo playing wif her haiiiiaaa???" and i'm like "what?! it's not YOUR hair" and heidi in her subtle little way said "you wouldn't want to touch his hair" HAHA it took us a moment to process and laugh our asses off cuz well if you know heidi .. seldom do youhear her say something mean and it was great! (i think i mentioned how he had giant dandruff) and also, he was also saying all whole bunch of stuffthat had nothing to do with anything in order to prove that india sucks or something and the way he tried to prove he was right about all this stuff was by repeatedly slamming his hand on the table and yelling "I READ EET EEN DEE ENCLOCYPEDIAAAAAA!!!!" O_o did i mention he spends countless ammounts of time in the bathroom reading encyclopedia's while he's taking a crap? yeah. he reads about reproductive systems and female organs. how do i know? cuz he was talking about some female stuff and whatever and i was like "how would you even know?" and he's like "i know! you fink i don't know??!?!?!?!?!?! i read about it een dee enclocypediaaa!" eww. yah. anyhoo, i will stop grossing everyone out with tales of mr. anal. :P

time for sleep... i have a DB race tommorow morning ... gotta wake up at 6:00 am O_O

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