Thursday, January 30, 2003

ahhhh my guestbook is messing up i can't post on it =P
this is what i was gonna write:
angee: LOL i didn';t realize u haven't seen how it looks like omg i'll take more and post them for your viewing pleasure kekeke i like our wallpaper! well... actually in the very beginning i wanted to tear it down and paint the walls baby blue but my parents were like "noooo!!! auntie rebecca has a *special interior decorator* that made this! it'll take to much time to take down blabalbla but i ended up growing attached to the wallpaper because some of the patters look like turtles (i'll show u a pic lol) and yeah. i don't like the blinds =P we actually got new ones for me but they didn't fit so we were liek oh we'll get more later but we never did =P i guess if i ended up tearing down the wallpaper and painting it bbblue i'd want wooden blinds =) i like wooden blinds =) but yeah... the red blinds clash so much lol what kind of special interior decorator is this person? =P haha...
[it's cool cuz i live in angee's old house in her old room lol yeahhh so that's what that's all about hehehe... ]

I'm DONEEEEE!!!!!!!!! *gush* soooooo happy i'm finally free and i'm booked my weekend completely full of no work hehehe =) my latin exam wenntt... alright i guess. it's funny... i used to hate my latin class in the beginning of the year... i don't hate it so much anymore. i mean, granted a lot of the ppl are.... well they dont' ahve much in common with me ... but they are always so sweet to me even if i think they are *so* annoying and they most likely have their preconceptions about me. also i have a tight group of me, adri, tams, fiona, and tiff so that's always nice too... but yeah... i guess it goes to show that even tho ppl might seem really... strange... they can actually be pretty cool when it comes down to it... i dont' mean cool as in "popularity" cool i mean... like when u get to know someone better what makes them creepy to you may turn out to be jsut something taht is really normal becuase they are who they are. i guess. i dunno. but there are still some of the ppl there that i *can't stand* but i will work on that. anyways. the exam was okay.

i'm starving. *so* excited about lunch --- I LOVE SUSHI =) mmmmm....

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